[UAI] Call For Participation -- 2nd International NASA Workshop on Planning and Scheduling for SpaceSubject:

From: Rich Washington (richw@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov)
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 15:47:59 PST

  • Next message: Dr. Roman Swiniarski: "[UAI] CFP"

                            Call for Participation
     2nd International NASA Workshop on Planning and Scheduling for Space

                            March 16th to 18th 2000
                        San Francisco, California, USA

    This meeting is the second in a regular series started in October 1997
    at Oxnard, California. Since then, the importance of automated
    planning and scheduling for the space enterprise has become
    increasingly clear. NASA technologists and computer scientists have
    also demonstrated the practical feasibility of these technologies in
    the context of real missions. For example, the Deep Space 1 Remote
    Agent Experiment in May 1999 for the first time demonstrated the use
    of a planner/scheduler operating within the high-level closed-loop
    control of a spacecraft traveling in interplanetary space. However, to
    make Planning and Scheduling a ubiquitous technology for space
    missions, many challenges still remain, including issues in design,
    development and fielding of such systems in mission critical areas of
    spacecraft operations. For example:
    * Responsiveness: When operating within a closed-loop control system,
    issues related to responsiveness and balance between deliberation and
    reactivity become more and more important. So far we do not have good
    answers on how to coherently insert planning activities with different
    reactivity guarantees at the different levels of an optimizing,
    hierarchical control system.
    * Validation: Validating the behavior of an automated
    planner/scheduler in an operational context is a major challenge. An
    automated planner makes it possible for a system to adapt its actions
    to changing execution conditions. However, we still do not know how to
    guarantee that a plan generated in a previously untested situation
    will indeed operate the system correctly and safely.
    * Mixed-Initiative autonomy: As planning systems become an integral
    part of mission operation concepts, it becomes crucial to solve the
    problem of guaranteeing a seamless collaboration between automated
    schedulers and human operators. This includes support for variable
    levels of autonomy, representational formalisms for doing
    mixed-initiative reasoning, resolving conflicts between operator
    requests and existing plans or flight rules and providing the operator
    with explanations or insight into the behavior of the planning system.

    * Mission acceptance: Gaining acceptance of planning and scheduling
    technology for real missions requires balancing the promise of
    advanced technology with the need for safety and reliability. The
    underlying representation, algorithms, interface with existing tools,
    and user interface all play important roles in the final usefulness
    and usability of the technology.

    This workshop aims to debate these and other issues in the context of
    space missions and applications involving both completely automated
    systems and those with human intervention in the exploration of
    space. Within this area, planning and scheduling is important in (but
    not restricted to)

    - - Spacecraft commanding and payload operations;
    - - Operations of air, space and ground based scientific observatories;
    - - Scheduling of critical resources whether on the ground or onboard;
    - - Science data analysis;
    - - Design and analysis of spacecraft systems;
    - - Planning and scheduling of scientific experiments;
    - - Planning and scheduling for life support systems;
    - - Operations and payload scheduling for space transportation systems.

    To guarantee a lively debate grounded in actual operational needs, the
    workshop will bring together:

    * Researchers addressing basic research relevant to realistic
    applications for space;

    * Technologists working on planning and scheduling applications for space;

    * Mission representatives who have direct experience with planning and
    scheduling technology or want to contribute in formulating problems
    and requirements for the area.

    We encourage attendance from members of all three of these communities.

    The conference will consist of technical paper presentations, a poster
    session, invited talks, and panel discussions. The format of the
    paper presentation will include the presentation of the paper, the
    presentation of a commentary by a member of a different community from
    the author, a brief response by the author(s), and time for questions
    from the floor.


    Early registration: February 11, 2000
    Hotel reservation: February 14, 2000
    Late registration (mail): February 25, 2000
    Conference dates: March 16-18, 2000

    Organizing Committee (email: nasa_ps2000_org@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov)

    Jeremy Frank NASA Ames
    Keith Golden NASA Ames
    Rich Washington NASA Ames

    Program Committee (email: nasa_ps2000_pc@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov)

    Matthew Barry United Space Alliance
    Steve Chien Jet Propulsion Laboratory (co-chair)
    Richard Creasey European Space Agency
    Tara Estlin Jet Propulsion Laboratory
    Paul Hempel NASA Goddard
    David Kortenkamp NASA Johnson
    Nicola Muscettola NASA Ames (chair)
    Karen Myers SRI International
    Martha Pollack Univ. of Pittsburgh
    Kanna Rajan NASA Ames
    Steve Smith Carnegie Mellon Univ.
    The workshop URL is at: http://ic.arc.nasa.gov/ic/psworkshop. Please
    watch for the latest information and details on this site.

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