[UAI] Ph.D. and Master Studentships available

From: lwchan@cse.cuhk.edu.hk
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 09:37:17 PST

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             Graduate Studentships and Research Assistantships

                            available in

          Computer Science and Engineering Department

            The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Graduate Studentships (leading to Ph.D or M.Phil degrees) and Research
    Assistantships are available in the area of Intelligent Data
    Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL). Research projects include :

            - Neural Networks
            - Learning Theory and Algorithm
            - Computational Finance
            - Distributed Intelligent Decision-making and Control
            - Machine Perception
            - Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
            - Digital Library
            - Multi-media Database
            - Agents
            - Voice and Pattern Recognition
            - Internet Searching
            - E-commerce

    The deadline for the application for admission in September 2000 is

            ******** 29 FEBRUARY, 2000 ********

    - -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    In recent years, The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at
    the Chinese University of Hong Kong has expanded rapidly in enrolment,
    curriculum, staff, research and service to the community. As a
    department in the Faculty of Engineering, it offers full-time research
    programmes leading to the degrees of Master of Philosophy and Doctor of
    Philosophy, a part-time research programme leading to the degree of
    Doctor of Philosophy and a part-time taught M.Sc. programme. We have
    25 full-time faculty members and the current enrolment of postgraduate
    students is over 200. We have many research groups which are very
    active and of critical sizes for discussion and information assimilation.

        Major equipment in the department includes a SUN Enterprise E6500
    and E4500 Supercomputers with 12 processors each, a Silicon Graphics
    Onyx2 Graphics Supercomputer, more than 250 Sun and SGI workstations,
    more than 250 high speed PCs and equipment for parallel processing,
    multimedia and Chinese processing. All machines are connected
    to the departmental 100Mbps Fast Ethernet network and Gigabit Ethernet
    network. Through the University backbone, these machines are also
    connected to the Internet with high speed links. Students can also
    access the computing facilities of the Faculty of Engineering,
    the University Computer Services Centre and the computing facilities
    in their own Colleges.

    Usually both M.Phil. and Ph.D. full-time students will be given
    postgraduate studentship or research assistantship of at least
    HK$13,615 per month (7.73 HKD = 1 USD, subject to inflationary
    adjustment each year). Scholarships, teaching assistantships
    and research assistantship in other fields are also available.

    For on-line applications or application forms, please contact

         The Graduate School
         The Chinese University of Hong Kong
         Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
         Email Address: gradschool@cuhk.edu.hk
         WWW: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/grs
         Tel: (852) 2609 8976-7
         Fax: (852) 2603 5197

    Further information about the graduate program, the admission
    requirement, the research areas, facilities and the application
    procedures can be obtained via

    WWW (the world-wide web) at

         The University :
         Graduate School :
         CSE Department :
         CSE Division :
         Joint Center for Intelligence Engineering :

    Email :
            Laiwan Chan,
            Head, Division of Computer Science and Engineering,
            The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
            Shatin, Hong Kong.

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