[UAI] PKDD-2000 Workshops and Symposia Program - CALL FOR PROPOSALS

From: Rauch Jan - KIZI, 2426, 438nb,UID=1291 (Rauch@vse.cz)
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 09:44:36 PST

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        PKDD-2000 Workshops and Symposia Program - CALL FOR PROPOSALS

                                                4th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE
                                          ON PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF
                                       KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY IN DATABASES

                                    LYON, FRANCE, September 13-16, 2000


    PKDD-2000 is the Fourth European Conference on Principles and Practice
    of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD). A full day of workshops
    and symposia will be hosted on September 12, prior to the conference,
    at the conference location in Lyon.

    Workshops are appropriate for smaller groups, focused on a well
    defined subject, for instance a common set of data or a common
    discovery problem. They should encourage presentation of new research
    ideas and work in progress that may not have reached maturity. Ample
    time should be scheduled for discussion. The target size is 20-30

    The scope and attendance of a symposium may be broader. Both work in
    progress and complete work can be presented. Panel discussions,
    demonstrations, invited presentations are encouraged. The target size
    is 40-50-60 participants.

    Proposals should contain:
    * a title for the workshop or symposium
    * description of the topics
    * motivation: why are the topics of particular interest to the
      participants; are the topics of interest to the broader KDD
    * format description and estimated duration in hours
    * the name of workshop chair and 2-5 other committee members;
      they should be technical experts in the field; be able to
      publicize the workshop or symposium in various communities
    * estimated number of participants
    * a list of potential authors and attendees, if available


    February 28th : Workshop proposals (e-mail to rauch@vse.cz)
    March 14th : Notification of acceptance/rejection
    September 12th: Workshops and symposia

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