[UAI] Fuzzy sets vs. Bayesian Network

From: Hansen, Peter Friis (pfh@ish.dtu.dk)
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 09:27:39 PST

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    I have been asked to write a one-page summary on fuzzy sets --- yet another
    area of which I have no knowledge --- and I therefore would be interested in
    some clarification on what cases fuzzy set theory is capable of modeling
    better than Bayesian Network models.

    Since I am a "Bayes-man" I, of course, started to check Pearl's book, who
    states that "Fuzzy logic (and sets) is orthogonal to probability theory ---
    it focuses on the ambiguities in describing events, rather than the
    uncertainty about the occurrence or non-occurrence of events"... and the
    topic is not addressed in his book (bad luck!).

    My limited source of knowledge on fuzzy sets is based primarily on

    Cui, W.C (1989). "Uncertainty Analysis in Structural Safety Assessment".
    Ph.D. thesis. University of Bristol, Dept. of Civil Engineering.

    and second hand information from

    Zadeh, L.A. (1965). "Fuzzy Sets". Information and Control. 8, pp. 338-353.

    >From my reading, I understand that "fuzzy sets" are said to be
    generalization of original sets, called "crisp sets". In fuzzy set theory,
    each point in the "Universe of Discourse" (which in crisp set theory is the
    sample space) is assigned a number between 0 and 1 that defines the degree
    of membership of a considered fuzzy set, e.g. "Tall". To me this appears
    equivalent to define the set "Tall" using a conditional distribution?

    Mathematically, I understand that one of the main differences between crisp
    sets and fuzzy sets lies in the definitions of unions and intersections.
    This, of course, may be a critical problem. Intersection between two sets
    A, B is defined in terms of a new member function

    m_AB = min(m_A, m_B);

    where m_A and m_B are the member functions for the sets A and B,
    respectively. Similarly, unions are defined in terms of a max-member
    function. The (fuzzy) union and intersection is then seen to be based on an
    independence assumption. Obviously, this has been discussed elsewhere, and
    relaxed choices of appropriate operators to model unions and intersections
    of fuzzy sets have been introduced (even such that "crisp" results are
    obtained!). If the set A was fuzzy "Tall" and B was fuzzy "Small", an
    independence assumption may seem strange. In some universes, I guess, one
    might be perfectly happy with a "universe of discourse" in which being "not
    Tall" definitely says nothing of the likelihood of being "Small", or vice

    I have seen no requirements of the fuzzy definition of "belonging to sets"
    that say that a point cannot belong to several sets (mutually exclusive
    sets). Therefore if YOU in fuzzy logic refer to a given person, YOU can
    state that he/she belongs to set "Tall" with certainty 0.82 and set "Small"
    with certainty 0.64, which certainly is fuzzy. I have neither seen
    requirements that say that the sum of (some) membership for a given point
    should sum to one (i.e. should be collectively exhaustive). Therefore, the
    probability of being "Tall" or "Small" might sum to something different from
    one. In my Bayesian world, "Small" and "Tall" would therefore be
    represented by two (conditionally) independent nodes --- with a common

    I cannot see what cases fuzzy set theory is capable of modeling better than
    Bayesian Network models. BN may readily model all kinds of informal
    arguments --- even treated in a rich interpretation. Since many people
    perform probabilistic assessments using fuzzy sets and advocate for the use
    of these, I would appreciate some enlightening. What important aspects did
    I overlook?

    Thank you,

    Peter Friis Hansen

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