Re: [UAI] Fuzzy sets vs. Bayesian Network

From: Scott Ferson (
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 17:12:18 PST

  • Next message: C.Rajagopalan: "[UAI] Re: Fuzzy sets vs. Bayesian Networks"

    I apologize for the length of this post, but some of the
    issues deserve more careful consideration.

    Herman Bruyninckx wrote:

    > Bayesian theory is fully consistent: there is only _one_ way to do
    > your algebra.

    It is perhaps a bit misleading to say that because Bayesian theory
    is consistent that there's only one way to do a Bayesian analysis
    for a problem. Come on! In fact, if the use of subjective priors
    is involved, then there are as many different analyses as there
    are analysts.

    > While fuzzy logic has an infinite amount of possible
    > computational rules: all hinges around the fact that there are
    > infinitely many ways to define t-norms or t-conorms, and there is no
    > ``first principle'' that tells you which one to choose. Therefore, you
    > can write an infinite number of papers on the same real system and the
    > same data :-) (Which is what many people do indeed :-( )

    In principle, the different t-(co)norms correspond to different
    underlying mechanisms that govern how the inputs should
    be combined. This should rightly be considered flexibility,
    rather than merely loose definition.

    > Hence, fuzzy logic is indeed more general; in fact it is too general to
    > be still called a scientific paradigm (because of the above-mentioned
    > indefiniteness of its calculus).

    It does seem clear that a fuzzy approach is more general because
    it is axiomatically weaker, but I don't think it's quite fair to conclude
    it's uselessly general. Perhaps a more generous interpretation is
    that it has *wider applicability* than a strict probabilistic approach.
    Concomitantly, we'd expect it to be a less powerful theory in
    situations where the axioms of probability theory are satisfied.

    Peter Friis Hansen wrote:

    > I have been asked to write a one-page summary on fuzzy sets --- yet another
    > area of which I have no knowledge --- and I therefore would be interested in
    > some clarification on what cases fuzzy set theory is capable of modeling
    > better than Bayesian Network models.

    A brief comparison of fuzzy arithmetic versus a traditional
    probabilistic approach using Monte Carlo methods appears
    on Although it
    focuses on *arithmetic* modeling rather than logic or set
    theory, it includes a synoptic review of the reasons one
    might chose one approach over the other.

    > From my reading, I understand that "fuzzy sets" are said to be
    > generalization of original sets, called "crisp sets". In fuzzy set theory,
    > each point in the "Universe of Discourse" (which in crisp set theory is the
    > sample space) is assigned a number between 0 and 1 that defines the degree
    > of membership of a considered fuzzy set, e.g. "Tall". To me this appears
    > equivalent to define the set "Tall" using a conditional distribution?

    No, fuzzy membership is definitely not the same thing
    as conditional probability.

    > Mathematically, I understand that one of the main differences between crisp
    > sets and fuzzy sets lies in the definitions of unions and intersections.
    > This, of course, may be a critical problem. Intersection between two sets
    > A, B is defined in terms of a new member function
    > m_AB = min(m_A, m_B);
    > where m_A and m_B are the member functions for the sets A and B,
    > respectively. Similarly, unions are defined in terms of a max-member
    > function. The (fuzzy) union and intersection is then seen to be based on an
    > independence assumption.

    On the contrary, using min and max respectively for
    conjunction and disjunction corresponds to an
    assumption of perfect *positive* dependence, and
    *not* independence. As Bruyninckx's criticism
    suggests, however, you are not restricted to such an
    assumption. Modern fuzzy approaches allows one to
    use a variety of t-(co)norms to represent different
    kinds of dependence or interaction.

    > I have seen no requirements of the fuzzy definition of "belonging to sets"
    > that say that a point cannot belong to several sets (mutually exclusive
    > sets). Therefore if YOU in fuzzy logic refer to a given person, YOU can
    > state that he/she belongs to set "Tall" with certainty 0.82 and set "Small"
    > with certainty 0.64, which certainly is fuzzy. I have neither seen
    > requirements that say that the sum of (some) membership for a given point
    > should sum to one (i.e. should be collectively exhaustive). Therefore, the
    > probability of being "Tall" or "Small" might sum to something different from
    > one.

    First, remember that it's not the *probability* of being
    tall or small. It's not a probability at all. It's something
    else, sometimes called "possibility", which measures the
    degree something is true (not its frequency, or even one's
    belief that it's true).

    Second, you should be careful about characterizing the
    sets as "mutually exclusive" which is a phrase that recalls
    Boolean logic. In a fuzzy set theory, the set of tall people
    and the set of small people could well be not mutually
    exclusive. I'm tall for a jockey, but pretty small for a
    basketball player. It makes a difference what the sets
    were constructed to represent.

    On the other hand, one certainly can model mutually
    exclusive sets in fuzzy logic (with membership functions
    that have non-overlapping supports), and their behavior
    will follow what you'd expect from ordinary Boolean logic.
    After all, fuzzy logic generalizes ordinary logic, it doesn't
    contradict it.

    > I cannot see what cases fuzzy set theory is capable of modeling better than
    > Bayesian Network models. BN may readily model all kinds of informal
    > arguments --- even treated in a rich interpretation. Since many people
    > perform probabilistic assessments using fuzzy sets and advocate for the use
    > of these, I would appreciate some enlightening. What important aspects did
    > I overlook?

    Well, it is a real question whether there are many (or even
    any) cases where probability cannot offer a reasonable model.
    The theory is fairly mature and the tools and methods are
    very rich. To some extent, the comparison should be about
    which approach is more natural. Which provides a more *useful*
    framework for considering the issues of interest.

    I think what you may have overlooked is that not everything
    fits neatly in the underlying Boolean logic that probability
    depends on. Vagueness, for instance, is the classic example.
    If our friend Mark is of intermediate height, then the truth of
    a statement like "Mark is tall" is not really one, nor is it really
    zero. There is no fact of the matter, only a degree to which
    it is true. This situation, in which there are inescapably
    borderline cases, constitutes what philosphers call vagueness.
    As such, it cannot be handled properly by any Bayesian
    approach because probability theory (including Bayesian
    methods of course) generalize the Law of the Excluded Middle
    that categorically states that either Mark is tall or he's not tall.
    (Or, if it is handled properly, it isn't handled *conveniently*
    by probability.) If, for some statements, you don't want to
    use this assumption, then perhaps you'll decide it's better
    not to use Bayesian methods or probability theory.

    In risk analysis, the example might use the vague term
    "poisonous" for a suite of substances that range in effect
    from making you chronically sick to killing you in seconds.
    Insisting that there always be bright-line definitions that
    enable one to say definitely and unequivocally whether
    a person is tall or a substance is poisonous does a real
    violence to the language and forces all terms to take on
    unnatural, technical meanings. What is potentially useful
    about the fuzzy approach is that it permits an analyst to
    make calculations in a way that avoids this violence yet
    gets quantitative results that account for the underlying
    vagueness. It can faithfully carry the vagueness along
    through the calculations.

    > In some universes, I guess, one might be perfectly happy with a
    > "universe of discourse" in which being "not Tall" definitely says
    > nothing of the likelihood of being "Small", or vice versa.

    Again, it's not that it "says nothing" (that's another veiled
    appeal to independence). It's that the sets are saying
    different things altogether. For instance, I can be in
    the set small to some degree and simultaneously in the
    set tall to another (perhaps lesser) degree. So if we're
    needing to make a calculation involving the count of
    people in these sets, the answer might reasonably
    depend on whether you're selecting sides in basketball,
    picking jockeys, or designing automobile interiors.

    The alternative available to non-fuzzy methods has been
    to set a bright-line threshold that says who is a member
    of the set and who isn't. But in situations where vague
    terms like "poisonous" or "endangered" play an integral
    role, this strategy may not be very useful. A species with
    99 individuals is endangered and therefore deserves
    special protection under the law, but a species with 101
    is not endangered and therefore gets no protection.
    Such a strategy might drive conservationists to kill a couple
    just to make it endangered. Clearly, something has gone
    awry as a result of not taking the vagueness into account.

    Vagueness is just one of several domains where probability
    has limited usefulness. This is also the case in reasoning
    about fictional discourse, and perhaps for some kinds of
    measurement error that violate the usual assumptions of
    small error magitudes, randomness and independence.

    Scott Ferson <>
    Applied Biomathematics
    631-751-4350, fax -3435

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