[UAI] KDD-2000 Industrial Track Call for Papers

From: Paul Bradley (bradley@microsoft.com)
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 17:09:51 PST

  • Next message: Scott Ferson: "Re: [UAI] Fuzzy sets vs. Bayesian Network"

               KDD-2000 Industrial Track Call for Proposals

              The Sixth ACM SIGKDD International Conference
                 on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

                  August 20-23, 2000, Boston, MA, USA


                           Call for Papers

                  Paper Submission Deadline: April 23, 2000
                  Acceptance Notification: May 23, 2000

    KDD-2000 Industrial Track Co-Chairs:
             Kenneth Church, AT&T Research, (kwc@research.att.com),
             Mario Schkolnick, SGI, (schkol@schkol.engr.sgi.com)
    Call for Papers: We seek out papers that reflect new technical
                      solutions industry-generated problems as well
                      as papers that reflect end user experiences
                      utilizing Data Mining (DM) tools.

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