[UAI] Conference anouncement: Workshop on Bayesian Approaches in Health Risk Assessment

From: Daniel Byrd (ctraps@radix.net)
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 17:08:19 PST

  • Next message: Paul Bradley: "[UAI] KDD-2000 Industrial Track Call for Papers"

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    Special Announcement: Workshop on Bayesian Approaches in Health Risk

    Williamsburg, VA, March 27-29.

    A limited-attendance workshop intended to introduce leaders in human
    health risk assessment to Bayesian analysis will
    be held in Williamsburg, VA, March 27-29, 2000. Sponsored by the
    National Center for Environmental Assessment
    of the U.S. EPA and the Electric Power Research Institute, the workshop
    is being organized by Resources for the
    Future (RFF), the Society for Risk Analysis, and EPA.

    The workshop will include both lectures and breakout tutorials,
    descriptions of theory and case studies relevant to risk
    assessment. Faculty include distinguished members of the risk analysis
    community who have experience employing
    Bayesian methods in these areas. Attendees can expect to leave the
    workshop with a general understanding of the
    uses and limitations of Bayesian logic, and particularlly its potential
    applicability to dose-response assessment.

    Attendance will be limited to 50, to ensure direct dialogue.
    Registration forms and additional details will be sent to you

    For further information, please contact Jim Wilson at RFF
    mailto:wilson@rff.org, Beth Krieger at SRA
    mailto:bkrieger@burkinc.com, or Annie Jarabek at EPA

    Beth Krieger
    Society Headquarters
    1313 Dolley Madison Blvd.
    Suite 402
    McLean VA 22101
    Phone:703-790-1745 ext. 17
    Fax: 703-790-2672

    Forwarded to UAI by:
    Daniel M. Byrd III, Ph.D., D.A.B.T.
    Consultants in Toxicology, Risk Assessment and Product Safety
    Suite 707 North
    560 N Street, SW
    Washington, DC 20024
    (202)484-7707 - phone
    (202)484-0616 - fax
    ctraps@radix.net - email

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