Re: [UAI] Graphical representation of CPTs in belief nets

From: Haiqin Wang (
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 12:15:04 PST

  • Next message: "Re: [UAI] Fuzzy sets vs. Bayesian Network, control"

    You might want to look at GeNIe, a development environment for
    graphical decision-theoretic models developed at Decision Systems
    Laboratory, School of Information Sciences and Intelligent Systems
    Program, University of Pittsburgh. GeNIe 1.0 is downloadable at Much improvement on the interface
    was done to GeNIe 2.0. My work addressed on graphical probability
    elicitation and navigation in large CPTs. We developed user-friendly
    graphical tools such as probability wheel and scaled probability bar.
    With these tools the domain experts can easily input their estimates
    of probabilities into CPTs with higher accuracy and in less time
    compared to direct numerical eliciataion. We also developed
    shrinkable-CPT and CPTree to assist navigation in large CPTs. The
    usability test was conducted for evaluation of these graphical tools.
    As an example, I'm attaching some pictures of screen snapshot of these
    graphical tools here. Further information is available if interested.

    [Moderator - I've removed the screenshots, not everyone has high
    bandwidth email all the time. Please contact Haiqin for further
    information, or maybe s/he can post a URL we can look at]

    -Haiqin Wang
    graduate student,
    Intelligent Systems Program,
    University of Pittsburgh

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