From: Judea Pearl (judea@cs.ucla.edu)
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 11:49:12 PST

  • Next message: Marek J. Druzdzel: "Re: [UAI] the Alarm network"

    Friends in UAI,
    I am pleased to announce that my new book,

          CAUSALITY: Models, Inference and Reasoning
          Judea Pearl
          (Cambridge University Press, $39.95)
          ISBN 0-521-77362-8

    has finally come out, and is now available in bookstores
    and web.stores (at 30% introductory discount).

    The table of contents, selected sections, and editorial
    reviews can be viewed on amazon.com and on my
    web site www.cs.ucla.edu/~judea/


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