Re: [UAI] the Alarm network

From: Marek J. Druzdzel (
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 11:55:04 PST

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    --On Friday, March 10, 2000, 9:26 AM -0800 YueBo <>

    > As an example, many people who devote learning
    > Bayesian networks use the "Alarm network" to
    > illustrate their algorithms. Now I am working at
    > learning Bayesian networks and could anyone tell
    > me where I can get the Alarm network?

    Alarm is available in several places. Try one of the repositories that you
    can find from the AUAI main web page. Alarm comes also as one of the
    example networks with GeNIe, After you
    have installed the program on your computer, look among example networks.
    Reference to the original paper should be right on screen when you open the
    Hope this helps,

    Marek J. Druzdzel

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