(no subject)

From: owner-uai@CS.ORST.EDU
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 13:55:06 PST

  • Next message: David Heckerman: "RE: [UAI] Alarm"

    Hi -
    The ALARM network was originally developed by Beinlich et al. as an
    experimental prototype that helps interpret monitoring data to alert
    anesthesiologist to various situations in the operating room. It has
    about 37 nodes, some binary, some non-binary. The original paper about
    ALARM is the following:

    I. A. Beinlich, H. J. Suermondt, R. M. Chavez, & G. F. Cooper. The ALARM
    Monitoring System: A Case Study with Two Probablistic Inference
    Techniques for Belief Networks. Second European Conference on Artificial
    Intelligence in Medicine, London, 38:247-256. 1989.

    ALARM now ships as an example network with most common inference
    engines. You can download it from the Bayesian network repository at
    Berkeley -

    ALARM was first used in belief-network learning by Herskovits and Cooper
    as a test of their learning methods, Kutato and K2. An early paper on
    that is:

    E. Herskovits & G. Cooper. Kutato: An Entropy-Driven System for
    Construction of Probabilistic Expert Systems from Databases. Sixth
    Conference on
    Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, MA, 54-62. 1990.

    Hope this helps

    Jaap Suermondt
    Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA

    YueBo wrote:
    > Hello all,
    > As an example, many people who devote learning
    > Bayesian networks use the "Alarm network" to
    > illustrate their algorithms. Now I am working at
    > learning Bayesian networks and could anyone tell
    > me where I can get the Alarm network?
    > Thanks a lot!
    > --
    > YUE Bo, Ph.D.
    > Key Lab for Radar Signal Processing
    > Xidian University
    > Xi'an, 710071
    > P.R.China
    > Email: YueBo@rsp.xidian.edu.cn

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