Re: [UAI] the Alarm network

From: Haipeng Guo (
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 14:57:27 PST

  • Next message: Kevin Murphy: "[UAI] DBNs"

     Pls try
     Hope that can help you. Good luck.

    - -hpguo

    On Fri, 10 Mar 2000, YueBo wrote:

    > Hello all,
    > As an example, many people who devote learning
    > Bayesian networks use the "Alarm network" to
    > illustrate their algorithms. Now I am working at
    > learning Bayesian networks and could anyone tell
    > me where I can get the Alarm network?
    > Thanks a lot!
    > --
    > YUE Bo, Ph.D.
    > Key Lab for Radar Signal Processing
    > Xidian University
    > Xi'an, 710071
    > P.R.China
    > Email:

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