From: Kevin Murphy (murphyk@cs.berkeley.edu)
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 16:00:34 PST

  • Next message: Haipeng Guo: "[UAI] K2 source help"

    I was wondering if there was a DBN (dynamic Bayes net) repository,
    similar to Nir's static BN repository.

    The only DBNs I know that have been used or proposed are the ones
    mentioned below. I would be very interested to hear from people who have
    used others. I am mostly interested in models which have rich graphical
    structure but discrete state spaces, as opposed to ones with simple
    structure but complex probability distributions,
    which are typically solved using particle filtering.


    - BAT DBN, proposed in Forbes95, used in Boyen98
    - Water DBN, proposed in Jensen89, used in Boyen98
    - Factorial HMMs, proposed in Ghahramani97
    - Coupled HMMs, proposed in Brand96

      author = "X. Boyen and D. Koller",
      title = "Tractable Inference for Complex Stochastic Processes",
      booktitle = uai,
      year = 1998

      author = "M. Brand",
      title = "Coupled hidden {M}arkov models for modeling interacting
      institution = "MIT Lab for Perceptual Computing/ Learning and Common
      year = 1996,
      number = 405

            author = "Jeff Forbes and Tim Huang and Keiji Kanazawa and
    Stuart Russell",
            year = "1995",
            title = "The {BAT}mobile: {T}owards a {B}ayesian Automated
            booktitle = ijcai

      author = "Z. Ghahramani and M. Jordan",
      title = "Factorial Hidden {M}arkov Models",
      journal = "Machine Learning",
      volume = 29,
      pages = "245--273",
      year = 1997

      author = "F. V. Jensen and U. Kjaerulff and K. G. Olesen and J.
      title = "An expert system for control of waste water treatment --- a
    pilot project",
      institution = "Univ. Aalborg, Judex Datasystemer",
      year = 1989,
      note = "In Danish"

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