Re: [UAI] Propogation time for 5000 nodes

From: Bruce D'Ambrosio (dambrosi@CS.ORST.EDU)
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 08:14:03 PST

  • Next message: Bob Welch: "[UAI] Sensor validation using Bayesian networks"

    Satish -

    It depends.

    This is a complex question with many answers. Does the new evidence
    involve all the nodes in the network? Is the network static? Do you
    really need all marginals?

    Let's assume you need all marginals and nothing else. here are some

    1. We (IET) has a compilation technology that scales linearly (as long
    as worst-case intermediate result size stays constant and small ) and
    runs at about 1-5 us/node for low complexity nets (PIII-450). So a 5000
    node net might take about 10 ms. to update. - is that real-time?

    2. When we do dynamic model construction for situation assessment, we
    typically construct nets of about 1500 nodes that take about 60sec. to
    compute all marginals, or 10 sec for a single marginal (this includes
    factoring) - is that real-time?

    3. I have some 100 node nets that are intractable...

    It depends.

    Hope that helps some.


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