[UAI] PhD studentships (Bristol, UK)

From: J Lawry (J.Lawry@bristol.ac.uk)
Date: Tue Mar 14 2000 - 07:43:35 PST

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                      PhD studentships in Artificial Intelligence


    The Artificial Intelligence Group at the University of Bristol (UK)
    specializes in the treatment of uncertainty in intelligent systems.

    There is potential funding for a number of UK or EU PhD students in this
    area.Proposed projects include

          Probabilistic and Fuzzy Methods for Information Fusion

          Inference Methods for Linguistic Probabilities
          Machine Learning in Large Databases

          Inductive Support Logic Programming

          User Modeling in an Intelligent Assistant

          Mass Assignment Methods for Multimedia Searching

          Bayesian Networks on Words

          AI in Music

          Mass Assignment Theory

    More information can be found at the following URL:


    Dr Jonathan Lawry,
    AI Group,
    Dept. Engineering Mathematics,
    University of Bristol,
    Queens Building,
    University Walk,
    Bristol, BS8 1TR, UK

    Tel:+44 117 928 8184

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