Re: [UAI] Noisy-OR

From: Antonio Salmeron (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 10:21:18 PST

  • Next message: J Lawry: "[UAI] PhD studentships (Bristol, UK)"

        You may take a look at Javier Diez' site:


    - --
    Antonio Salmeron
    Statistics and Applied Mathematics
    University of Almeria (Spain)

    Alta de Waal wrote:

    > I am currently working on a problem that can be solved with the noisy-OR
    > scheme as well as generalisation of noisy-OR.
    > I have found some papers from Dr. Shrinivas and Bruce D'Ambrosio.
    > Can you please send me the resources that you know of, containing problems
    > and papers on Noisy-OR and the generalisation.
    > Thank you
    > Alta de Waal
    > Simulation & Modelling for Decision Support
    > Defencetek
    > CSIR
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