Re: [UAI] Number of Gaussians in a histogram

From: David L Dowe (
Date: Tue Mar 21 2000 - 19:33:38 PST

  • Next message: Harvey Greenberg: "[UAI] Call for Papers"

       Dear Robin,

          Many would vary on how best to do this.

    The thoughts of many such people are given and/or linked to at

    My own preference for how best to do this is described at

    One little issue to add is that, since you have histograms, programs
    which take into account the measurement accuracy (such as Snob) should
    be given the width of the histogram(s) as the measurement accuracy.

    Regards. - David Dowe.

    > From owner-uai@ghost.CS.ORST.EDU Wed Mar 22 03:44:39 2000
    > Subject: [UAI] Number of Gaussians in a histogram
    > To: uai@CS.ORST.EDU
    > Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
    > Hi friends,
    > Could you please let me know how to determine automatically
    > the number of Gaussians present in a histogram. Since it is quite
    > subjective, algorithms to determine the approximate number of
    > Gaussians will be allright. Any pointer?
    > Regards,
    > robin
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