[UAI] Call for Papers

From: Harvey Greenberg (hgreenbe@carbon.cudenver.edu)
Date: Wed Mar 22 2000 - 09:15:00 PST

  • Next message: Secretariat of IIZUKA2000: "[UAI] IIZUKA2000-Deadlines Approaching"

                           CALL FOR PAPERS
           Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
             Special Issue: Representations of Uncertainty

    Uncertainty representation and management has come to play a central role
    in the development of artificially intelligent computer systems. We invite
    original papers on advances within standard representation frameworks (e.g.,
    based on probability, possibility, or belief functions), relationships among
    frameworks, and alternative frameworks appropriate for situations in which
    standard frameworks are deemed inappropriate. To help delineate the scope,
    here are examples of papers we seek (this list is not exhaustive):

      * Analysis of some representation of uncertainty, which is based
        on some formal foundation, notably mathematical theorems or
        rigorous statistical experiments.

      * Comparative analysis to evaluate several representations for the
        same problem.

      * An application where the representation of uncertainty is justified.
        If some novel representation works better, the paper should address why.
        If the why question cannot be answered fully, the paper must articulate
        the features in a way that is conducive for further research by others.

      * An engineering design with multiple representations and/or management
        considered. There should be a description of rejected representations
        and why they were considered inferior to those adopted. There should
        be a rigorous description of how the system interprets propagated
        uncertainties for its users.

      * Unification of concepts, including a calculus for updating

      * Extending and enriching propositional representations ---
        for example, to handle multiple objects, time, space, complex
        actions, and hierarchical decomposition of systems.

      * First order/object-oriented representations, such as those emerging
        in robotics.

    In addition to new research results, ranging from theoretical analysis
    to innovative applications and system implementation, we invite
    insightful surveys.

    Guest editor: Dr. Harvey J. Greenberg
                  Mathematics Department
                  University of Colorado at Denver
                  PO Box 173364
                  Denver, CO 80217-3364 USA

    Associate Editors:

      Professor Dr. Roger M. Cooke
      Faculty of Information Technology and Systems
      Department of Technical Mathematics and Informatics
      Mekelweg 4, NL ­ 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands

      Professor Kathryn Blackmond Laskey
      Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research
      George Mason University
      Fairfax, VA 22030 USA

      Professor Frantisek Matus
      Institute of Information Theory and Automation
      Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
      Pod vodarenskou vezi 4
      182 08 Prague, Czech Republic

      Dr. Ann Nicholson
      School of Computer Science and Software Engineering
      Monash University
      Clayton, VIC., 3168, Australia

      Professor David Poole
      Department of Computer Science
      University of British Columbia
      Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1Z4

      Prof.em.Dr.Dr.c.mult Hans-Jurgen Zimmermann
      Templergraben 64
      D-52056 Aachen, FRG

                         Procedure for Submission
    All contributions must be original, not published elsewhere, and written
    clearly in English. Please send 5 copies of your paper to the (Guest) Editor
    before August 15, 2000. You may also submit directly to an Associate Editor
    of your choice by sending him/her 4 copies of your paper plus one copy to the
    Editor, along with a copy of your cover letter.

      | A 2-sided formatted copy of this Call for Papers is at |
      | http://www.cudenver.edu/~hgreenbe/journals/amai-call.html |
      | in both pdf and postscript formats. Please feel free to make and |
      | distribute copies to your colleagues. |

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