[UAI] KDD2000 Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining (MDM/KDD2000)

From: Simeon Simoff (simeon@arch.usyd.edu.au)
Date: Fri Mar 31 2000 - 12:35:51 PST

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    C a l l f o r P a p e r s

    Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining (MDM/KDD2000)

    in conjunction with

    Sixth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data
    Mining August 20-23, 2000, Boston, MA, USA (KDD2000)

    Workshop Web site: http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~zaiane/mdm_kdd2000/


    The increasing application of collaborative computing and multimedia
    document handling in the majority of government, business and educational
    intra- and internets provides enormous sources of various data, organized in
    different structures and formats. No wonder researchers in multimedia turned
    towards the field of data mining and knowledge discovery in databases in the
    search for techniques for improving the indexing and retrieval of multimedia
    information. In the beginning, a variety of techniques from machine
    discovery, statistics, databases, knowledge acquisition, machine learning,
    data visualization, image analysis, high performance computing, and
    knowledge-based systems, have been used mainly as a research handcraft
    activity. The development of multimedia databases and their query interfaces
    recall again the idea of incorporating data mining methods for dynamic
    indexing. Recently data mining efforts have focused in less formalized
    fields of art, design, hypermedia information systems, case-based reasoning
    and computational modeling of creativity. These and similar fields use
    variety of data sources, incorporated through sophisticated digital media
    data structures. As a result there is an urgent need for new techniques and
    tools that can transform these rich data into useful information and

    The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts in analysis of digital
    media content, state-of-art data mining and knowledge discovery in
    multimedia database systems, knowledge engineers and domain experts from
    different applied disciplines with potential in multimedia data mining.


    The major topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:

    - - multimedia data mining methods and algorithms;
    - - electronic documents - multimedia data representation and reuse of
    discovered knowledge;
    - - content-based search, retrieval, and discovery methods;
    - - uncertainty management in multimedia data mining;
    - - complexity, efficiency and scalability of multimedia data mining
    - - the incorporation of domain knowledge;
    - - multimedia data mining and interactive exploration;
    - - mining and analysis of data generated by virtual reality systems;
    - - data mining of virtual worlds;
    - - multimedia data visualization and man-machine interfaces;
    - - integrated data mining of text and image data;
    - - data analysis of video and audio data;
    - - representation of discovered knowledge;
    - - active storage for data mining in multimedia;
    - - mining from unstructured and semi-structured data;
    - - web-content mining;
    - - data mining from XML documents;
    - - mining from GIS.


    There is no restriction on the length of submissions. Contact author and
    email address should be specified. Electronic submission of either
    paper-oriented PDF, PS, RTF or Microsoft Word Document, or Web-based
    multimedia format are preferable. Please, e-mail electronic submissions to
    simeon@arch.usyd.edu.au or zaiane@cs.ualberta.ca with subject "MDM/KDD2000".

    If not submitting an electronic version, please send a hard copy original

    Simeon J. Simoff
    Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition (G04)
    University of Sydney, NSW 2006


    Osmar R. Zaiane
    Department of Computing Science
    University of Alberta
    Edmonton, AB
    T6G 2H1, Canada


    Peer-reviewed submissions, accepted for presentation at the workshop will be
    published in the workshop proceedings. Extended and revised paper-oriented
    versions of selected submissions will be published in a book by Kluwer
    Academic Publishers.


    - - May 15 : Submissions Due
    - - June 15 : Acceptance Notification
    - - July 15 : Camera Ready Copy Due
    - - August 20: Workshop Day


    - - Simeon J. Simoff University of Sydney, Australia,
    - - Osmar R. Zaiane University of Alberta, Canada (zaiane@cs.ualberta.ca)


    - - Max Bramer University of Portsmouth, UK
    - - Alex Duffy University of Strathclyde, UK
    - - Max J. Egenhofer University of Maine, USA
    - - Tom Gedeon Murdoch University, Australia
    - - Jiawei Han Simon Fraser University, Canada
    - - Howard J. Hamilton University of Regina, Canada
    - - William Grosky Wayne State University, USA
    - - Odej Kao Technical University of Clausthal, Germany
    - - Nik Kasabov University of Ottago, New Zealand
    - - Raymond Ng University of British Columbia, Canada
    - - Timothy K. Shih Tamkang University, Taiwan
    - - Jaideep Srivastava University of Minnesota, USA

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