Re: Calculating joint over arbitrary sets of variables

From: Finn V. Jensen (
Date: Fri Mar 31 2000 - 12:37:22 PST

  • Next message: Lyndon Lee: "[UAI] BT Internships 2000"

    Bruce D'Ambrosio wrote:
    > As described in my AIMag article last year, SPI (symbolic
    > probabilistic inference) treats individual marginals as just a special
    > case of the general optimization problem of finding efficient ways to
    > compute arbitrary subjoints, and does a surprisingly good job at
    > arbitrary subnjoints. Variable elimination should work also.
    > The open research problem that no-one is working on (to my knowledge)
    > is to find efficient ways of computing an arbitrary collection of
    > arbitrary
    > subjoints. No existing method seems to provide an interesting
    > starting point for that problem.
    > cheers - Bruce

    I would do as follows: Start off with your best junction tree and
    performing a propagation of variables ( a collect to some root - let it
    be lazy or no-lazy). Before I do so, I calculate the cost for each
    clique of using that as the root. This is done by sending messages of
    costs around in the junction tree ( easy arithmetic, one propagation is
    sufficient), and then you choose the cheapest root.

    Doesn't this work?


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