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From: owner-uai@CS.ORST.EDU
Date: Fri Mar 31 2000 - 12:46:31 PST

  • Next message: Kevin S. Van Horn: "[UAI] Belief functions and continuous domains"

    Prakash P. Shenoy writes:
    > Dear Denver and Bruce,
    > When you construct join trees, include the subset for which you
    > desire the joint for. (I have in mind here a method for constructing
    > join tree starting with subsets for which you have potentials and
    > subsets for which you desire marginals and then stringing these in a
    > join tree using variable elimination). Once you have such a join
    > tree, one can use any known method such as Hugin, Shenoy-Shafer, SPI,
    > etc. Hong Xu has published a paper on precisely this problem in
    > Artificial Intelligence Journal (I don't have the exact reference)
    > using the Shenoy-Shafer architecture.

    The reference is:

    Hong Xu. Computing marginals for arbitrary subsets from marginal
    representation in Markov trees. Artificial Intelligence,
    74(1):177-189, 1995.

    Frank Jensen,   fj@hugin.com

    Hugin Expert A/S Niels Jernes Vej 10 9220 Aalborg East DENMARK

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