Re: [UAI] Belief functions and continuous domains

From: Smets Philippe (
Date: Sun Apr 02 2000 - 09:41:46 PDT

  • Next message: Russell Almond: "Re: [UAI] Belief functions and continuous domains"

    >[I posted this before but got no response, so I'm trying again.]
    >Can anyone tell me if belief-function theories such as Dempster-Shafer are
    >capable of handling continuous domains? Shafer's book only discusses finite
    >domains, and it's not at all obvious to me how one would generalize it to a
    >continuous domain.

    You should read

    1. Smets Ph. (1994) Belief induced by the Knowledge of some Probabilities.
    Uncertainty in AI'94, Heckerman D., Poole D., & Lopez de Mantaras R. (eds),
    Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, (1994) 523-530.

    The text is on my web site, iunfortunately not the image (thanks to
    Microsoft). Get the proceedings. if you can't I'll send a paper copy upon
    request. You will see many equation ofr bf on the [0,1] intervals. I can go
    the larger spaces, but don't be too general please)

    2. Look at papers by Shafer. In his thesis (+/-73) he discussres it, and so
    does he is a later paper mid 80's (As far as I remember, there is paper on
    it in IJAR or Int J. Intel Systems.

    3. See Tom Strat's paper, Proceeding AAAI-84, Continuoius bf for evid

    4. The picture (triangle) you'll find in Smets 94 and in Stratt 84 papers
    was already in my 1978 thesis (in french!!!!)

    Tell me what you want to do, because I still have several unpublished
    results in my files.

    Good luck. Look at my web site, you 'll find many papers on bf. Look first
    at TBM-Hdbk

    Smets Ph. (1998) The Transferable Belief Model for Quantified Belief
    Handbook of defeasible reasoning and uncertainty management systems. Gabbay
    D. M. and Smets Ph. Eds. Vol. 1, Kluwer, Doordrecht, 1998, 267-301.

    it is an up to date survey of the TBM (i.e., bel fct seen as NOT lower proba)



    Philippe Smets


    IRIDIA-CP 194/6, Universite Libre de Bruxelles
    50 av. Roosevelt,
    1050 Bruxelles, Belgium.

    tel 32 2 650 27 29 secretary,
            32 2 344 82 96 private (where I am usually)
    fax: 32 2 650 27 15
    GSM: 32 495 50 10 72

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