[UAI] DBN inference...

From: Tim Wilkin (taw@vortex.shm.monash.edu.au)
Date: Sun Apr 02 2000 - 22:27:48 PDT

  • Next message: Markus Hannebauer: "[UAI] ECAI 2000 WS on Balancing Reactivity and Social Deliberation in MAS"

    This question pertains to inference in multiply connected networks
    representing dynamic processes (complex DBNs).

    Is there anyone within our community that is, or has, implimented
    inference in such networks with continuous variables.

    The network I am dealing with does not easily lend itself to a Linear
    Dynamical System representation (which could be solved with a Kalman
    filter/smoother). I have already been down this path.

    I am particularly interested in the merits of any other inference
    techniques applied to these networks - particularly large networks. If
    there is anyone that has successfully implimented such networks, I would
    appreciate either some references for further reading or some direct
    discussion of the issues that arised from the algorithm(s) used.

    Thanks in advance,

    Tim Wilkin

    		  taw@csse.monash.edu.au      *
       Tim Wilkin	  Ph:  +61 3 9905 9677      * .*
    Aerosonde Project Fax: +61 3 9905 9689        
    CRC for Southern Hemisphere Meteorology, Monash Univ
    School of Computer Sci. & Software Eng., Monash Univ
    Department of Mathematics & Statistics,  Monash Univ

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