[UAI] ECAI 2000 WS on Balancing Reactivity and Social Deliberation in MAS

From: Markus Hannebauer (hannebau@first.gmd.de)
Date: Mon Apr 03 2000 - 10:30:37 PDT

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    [Please apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message.]
                    Second Call for Papers/Participation

                             A Workshop at the
       14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2000)
                      Berlin, Germany, August 22nd, 2000

    Important Dates
     Deadline for submission: May 1st, 2000
      Notification: June 1st, 2000
      Deadline for camera-ready papers: June 10th, 2000
      Workshop: August 22nd, 2000

      Today's envisioned applications of intelligent systems in general
      and multi-agent systems in particular confront researchers and
      developers with the difficulty of finding the right balance between
      reactive and socially deliberative behavior. Reactive systems are
      capable of adapting very quickly to unforeseen changes in the en-
      vironment and are hence said to be more robust and efficient. On
      the other hand, they usually lack the necessary overview to produce
      behavior that can compete with the results of in-depth reasoning
      techniques. In contrary to that, socially deliberative systems
      allow for exploiting environmental information and coordination
      mechanisms to build up through-thought individual and even team-
      oriented strategies. Though their problem-solving results are
      usually much better than in reactive systems, deliberative systems
      are much more susceptible to dynamic environments and often lack
      the potential for real-time computation.

      This workshop focuses on theoretical, technical and practical work
      on balancing between these two extremes in the context of collabo-
      rative work in multi-agent systems. Contributions from Artificial
      Intelligence as well as Robotics are welcome.

      Theoretical and technical topics of interest include, but are not
      restricted to:

        - Extension of reactive systems by cooperation

        - Teaching deliberative systems reactivity and real-time

        - Efficient coordination, cooperation and organization approaches

        - Anytime approaches and algorithms

        - Design and evaluation of hybrid multi-level agent architectures

        - Short-term, medium-term and long-term intentionality

        - Enriching group behavior by environmental, opponent and social
        - Individual and social adaptivity

      To keep the workshop focussed, we encourage practical contributions
      to be directed at:

        - Multi-agent problem solving (planning, scheduling, control ...)

          Real-world problems often require distributed solving strate-
          gies, because of natural distribution, social competence and
          efficiency matters. Multi-agent approaches to such problems are
          said to be more robust than monolithic systems, but usually en-
          tail worse solutions. How can this be overcome by better balan-
          cing between reactive and deliberative behavior?

        - RoboCup

          RoboCup has proven to be a great and challenging benchmarking
          scenario both to Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. In
          RoboCup reactivity and real-time are a must, but social delibe-
          ration gets more and more important to match the world's lea-
          ding teams. Hence, there is much research work to be done con-
          sidering the topics of this workshop.
          IMPORTANT: Papers that focus on RoboCup-specific topics should
          make clear how the work could be applied to other domains as
          well. We encourage you to pick at least one specific domain and
          argue that such is the case.


      Participation in the workshop will be restricted to 30 persons. We
      encourage active participation by inviting only people with sub-
      mitted papers or with a single-page statement of interest, reflec-
      ting the authors' concrete relation to the field and topic. All
      workshop participants must register for ECAI 2000.
      Informal pre-proceedings of the workshop will be published in time
      to be available at the workshop. Additionally, Springer-Verlag has
      committed to publish an edited version of the workshop proceedings
      in its well-known Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence series
      (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html). Authors of selected
      papers will be asked to extend their articles for inclusion in this
      LNAI volume.

      Papers should be formatted according to the LNAI style guide for
      authors (refer to http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html)
      and should not exceed 12 pages.

      Papers should be submitted as Postscript-files and additionally as
      pure Tex- and Eps-files via eMail to the contact person named be-
      low. Alternatively, send four copies of your paper via ordinary
      mail to the address of the contact person. Electronic submission is
      strongly preferred.

      Deadline for submission: May 1st, 2000
      Notification: June 1st, 2000
      Deadline for camera-ready papers: June 10th, 2000
      Workshop: August 22nd, 2000

    Organizing committee

      Markus Hannebauer (contact person)
        Planning and Optimization Laboratory
        Research Institute for Computer Architecture
          and Software Technology (FIRST)
        GMD - German National Research Center for Information Technology
        Kekulestrasse 7, 12489 Berlin, Germany

        Tel.: +49-30-6392 1866
        Fax.: +49-30-6392 1805
        eMail: hannebau@first.gmd.de
        WWW: www.first.gmd.de/~hannebau

      Jan Wendler
        Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
        Department of Computer Science
        Humboldt University Berlin

        Rudower Chaussee 25, 12489 Berlin, Germany

        Tel.: +49-30-2093 3170
        Fax.: +49-30-2093 3168
        eMail: wendler@informatik.hu-berlin.de
        WWW: www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~wendler

      Enrico Pagello
        Department of Electronics and Informatics
        Faculty of Engineering
        University of Padua

        Via Gradenigo 6/a, 35131 Padova, Italy
        Tel.: +39-049-827 7687
        Fax.: +39-049-827 7699
        eMail: epv@dei.unipd.it
        WWW: www.dei.unipd.it

    Program committee

      Minoru Asada, Osaka University, Japan
      Hans-Dieter Burkhard, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
      Silvia Coradeschi, Oerebro University, Sweden
      Klaus Dorer, Freiburg University, Germany
      Peter Jarvis, SRI International, USA
      Christoph Jung, infor AG, Germany
      Gal Kaminka, University of Southern California, USA
      Joerg P. Mueller, Siemens AG, Germany
      Itsuki Noda, Stanford University, USA
      Daniel Polani, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
      Martin Riedmiller, Karlsruhe University, Germany
      Jukka Riekki, University of Oulu, Finland
      Josep Lluis de la Rosa, University of Girona, Spain
      Peter Stone, AT&T Laboratories Research, USA
      Manuela Veloso, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
      Joerg Wilberg, GMD AiS, Germany

    Additional information

      ECAI 2000 homepage

      Workshop homepage

    | Markus Hannebauer                       www.first.gmd.de/~hannebau |
    | Dipl.-Inform., Research Fellow               hannebau@first.gmd.de |
    |                                                                    |
    | Research Institute for Computer Architecture                       |
    |   and Software Technology (FIRST)                                  |
    |                                      phone:    +49- 30-63 92 18 66 |
    | German National Research Center      cell. p.: +49-177-267 43 60   |
    |   for Information Technology (GMD)   fax:      +49- 30-63 92 18 05 |

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