RE: [UAI] Belief functions and continuous domains

From: MONNEY Paul-Andre (
Date: Mon Apr 03 2000 - 10:35:47 PDT

  • Next message: Johan Myhre Andersen: "Re: [UAI] Calculating joint over arbitrary sets of variables"


    The following book contains some material about belief functions on
    continuous frames of
    discernment :

    Kohlas J., Monney P.A. (1995) A Mathematical Theory of Hints. An Approach to
    the Dempster-Shafer
    Theory of Evidence. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems,
    vol. 425. Springer.

    Best regards,

    P.A. Monney

    Dr. Paul-André Monney
    University of Fribourg
    Department of Quantitative Economics
    Avenue de Beauregard 11
    CH-1700 Fribourg

    Tél. : (+41 26) 300 82 75
    Fax : (+41 26) 300 97 81

                    -----Original Message-----
                    From: []
                    Sent: dimanche, 2. avril 2000 02:54
                    To: uai@CS.ORST.EDU
                    Subject: [UAI] Belief functions and continuous

                    [I posted this before but got no response, so I'm trying

                    Can anyone tell me if belief-function theories such as
    Dempster-Shafer are
                    capable of handling continuous domains? Shafer's book only
    discusses finite
                    domains, and it's not at all obvious to me how one would
    generalize it to a
                    continuous domain.

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