[UAI] AISTATS 2001: Call for papers

From: Tommi Jaakkola (tommi@ai.mit.edu)
Date: Fri Apr 21 2000 - 14:36:33 PDT

  • Next message: Stuart Russell: "[UAI] UC Berkeley postdoc position(s)"

    (apologies for multiple posting)


         AI and STATISTICS 2001

         Eighth International Workshop on
         Artificial Intelligence and Statistics

         January 3-6, 2001, Hyatt Hotel, Key West, Florida

    This is the eighth in a series of workshops which have brought
    together researchers in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and in Statistics
    to discuss problems of mutual interest. The exchange has broadened
    research in both fields and has strongly encouraged interdisciplinary
    work. Papers on all aspects of the interface between AI & Statistics
    are encouraged.

    To encourage interaction and a broad exchange of ideas, the
    presentations will be limited to about 20 discussion papers in single
    session meetings over three days (Jan. 4-6). Focused poster sessions
    will provide the means for presenting and discussing the remaining
    research papers. Papers for poster sessions will be treated equally
    with papers for presentation in publications. Attendance at the
    workshop will not be limited.

    The three days of research presentations will be preceded by a day of
    tutorials (Jan. 3). These are intended to expose researchers in each
    field to the methodology and techniques used in other related areas.

    The Eighth workshop especially encourages submissions related to the
    following workshop themes in the interface between information
    retrieval and statistics:

     Statistical natural language processing
     Game theory
     Missing information; unlabeled examples
     Error correcting codes

    In addition, papers on all aspects of the interface between AI &
    Statistics are strongly encouraged, including but not limited to

      Automated data analysis
      Cluster analysis and unsupervised learning
      Statistical advisory systems, experimental design
      Integrated man-machine modeling methods
      Interpretability in modelling
      Knowledge discovery in databases
      Metadata and the design of statistical data bases
      Model uncertainty, multiple models
      Multivariate graphical models, belief networks, causal modeling
      Online analytic processing in statistics
      Pattern recognition
      Prediction: classification and regression
      Probabilistic neural networks
      Probability and search
      Statistical strategy
      Vision, robotics, natural language processing, speech recognition
      Visualization of very large datasets

    Submission Requirements:
    - -----------------------

    Electronic submission of abstracts is required. The abstracts (up to 4
    pages in length) should be submitted through the AI and Statistics
    Conference Management page supported by Microsoft Research. More
    specific instructions will be made available at


    In special circumstances other arrangements can be made to facilitate
    submission. For more information about possible arrangements, please
    contact the conference chairs.

    Submissions will be considered if they are received by midnight July
    1, 2000. Please indicate the theme and/or the topic(s) your abstract
    addresses. Receipt of all submissions will be confirmed via electronic
    mail. Acceptance notices will be emailed by September 1, 2000.

    Preliminary papers (up to 12 pages, double column) must be received by
    November 1, 2000. These preliminary papers will be copied and
    distributed at the workshop.

    Program Chairs:
    - --------------

     Thomas Richardson, University of Washington, tsr@stat.washington.edu
     Tommi Jaakkola, MIT, tommi@ai.mit.edu

    Program Committee:
    - -----------------

    Russell Almond, Educational Testing Service, Princeton
    Hagai Attias, Microsoft Research, Cambridge
    Yoshua Bengio, University of Montreal
    Max Chickering, Microsoft Research, Redmond
    Greg Cooper, University of Pittsburgh
    Robert Cowell, City University, London
    Phil Dawid, University College, London
    Vanessa Didelez, University of Munich
    David Dowe, Monash University
    Brendan Frey, University of Waterloo
    Nir Friedman, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
    Dan Geiger, Technion
    Edward George, University of Texas
    Paolo Giudici, University of Pavia
    Zoubin Ghahramani, University College, London
    Clark Glymour, Carnegie-Mellon University
    David Heckerman, Microsoft Research, Redmond
    Thomas Hofmann, Brown University
    Reimar Hofmann, Siemens
    Michael Jordan, University of California, Berkeley
    David Madigan, Soliloquy
    Chris Meek, Microsoft Research, Redmond
    Marina Meila, Carnegie-Mellon University
    Kevin Murphy, University of California, Berkeley
    Mahesan Niranjan, University of Sheffield
    John Platt, Microsoft Research, Redmond
    Greg Ridgeway, University of Washington
    Lawrence Saul, AT&T Research
    Prakash Shenoy, University of Kansas
    Dale Schuurmans, University of Waterloo
    Padhraic Smyth, University of California, Irvine
    David Spiegelhalter, University of Cambridge
    Peter Spirtes, Carnegie-Mellon University
    Milan Studeny, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
    Michael Tipping, Microsoft Research, Cambridge
    Henry Tirri, University of Helsinki
    Volker Tresp, Siemens
    Chris Watkins, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College,
    Nanny Wermuth, University of Mainz
    Joe Whittaker, Lancaster University
    Chris Williams, University of Edinburgh

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