[UAI] UC Berkeley postdoc position(s)

From: Stuart Russell (russell@cs.berkeley.edu)
Date: Fri Apr 21 2000 - 14:37:28 PDT

  • Next message: Paul Bradley: "[UAI] KDD-2000 Tutorials"


    The Complex Motor Learning project at UC Berkeley would like to hire
    one or more postdoctoral research scientists. The project combines
    approaches from reinforcement learning, adaptive control theory, and
    biological motor control in order to study and develop systems that
    learn complex motor control behaviors such as walking, running,
    throwing, and flying. Experimental subjects include humans, insects,
    and robotic systems. Faculty investigators include Fearing, Russell,
    and Sastry (EECS); Dickinson, Farley, and Full (Int. Biol.); and Ivry
    (Psych.). A more complete project description appears at

    Candidates should have:
      - a very strong background in at least one and preferably two of the three
            disciplines listed above;
      - excellent mathematical skills;
    and proficiency in at least one of
      - software development (ideally, physical simulation systems)
      - experimental robotics
      - behavioral studies of human or animal subjects

    Interested candidates should send a short letter stating interest and
    a CV with names and email addresses of three references to Stuart
    Russell, Computer Science Division, University of California,
    Berkeley, CA 94720. Email applications (PLAIN TEXT AND/OR UNENCODED
    POSTSCRIPT ONLY) to russell@cs.berkeley.edu

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