From: Benjamin Van Roy (bvr@stanford.edu)
Date: Sun Apr 30 2000 - 09:01:06 PDT

  • Next message: Yukio Osawa: "[UAI] Re: CFP of a chance discovery session (KES2000)"


    Neural Information Processing Systems
    Natural and Synthetic
    NIPS*2000 Post-Conference Workshops
    December 1 and 2, 2000
    Breckenridge, Colorado

    Following the regular program of the Neural Information Processing
    Systems 2000 conference, workshops on various current topics in
    neural information processing will be held on December 1 and 2,
    2000, in Breckenridge, Colorado. Proposals by qualified individuals
    interested in chairing one of these workshops are solicited.

    Example topics include:

    Active Learning, Architectural Issues, Attention, Audition,
    Bayesian Analysis, Bayesian Networks, Benchmarking, Brain Imaging,
    Computational Complexity, Computational Molecular Biology, Control,
    Genetic Algorithms, Graphical Models, Hippocampus and Memory,
    Hybrid Supervised/Unsupervised Learning Methods, Hybrid HMM/ANN
    Systems, Implementations, Independent Component Analysis,
    Mean-Field Methods, Markov Chain Monte-Carlo Methods, Music,
    Network Dynamics, Neural Coding, Neural Plasticity, On-Line
    Learning, Optimization, Recurrent Nets, Robot Learning, Rule
    Extraction, Self-Organization, Sensory Biophysics, Signal
    Processing, Spike Timing, Support Vectors, Speech, Time Series,
    Topological Maps, and Vision.

    The goal of the workshops is to provide an informal forum for
    researchers to discuss important issues of current interest. There
    will be six hours of workshop meetings per day, split into morning
    and afternoon sessions, with free time in between for ongoing
    individual exchange or outdoor activities.

    Controversial issues, open problems, and comparison of competing
    approaches are encouraged and preferred as workshop topics.
    Representation of alternative viewpoints and panel-style
    discussions are particularly encouraged. Descriptions of previous
    workshops may be found at


    Select workshops may be invited to submit their workshop proceedings
    for publication as part of a new series of monographs for the
    post-NIPS workshops.

    Workshop organizers will have responsibilities including:

    ++ coordinating workshop participation and content, which includes
    arranging short informal presentations by experts, arranging for
    expert commentators to sit on a discussion panel, formulating a
    set of discussion topics, etc.

    ++ moderating the discussion, and reporting its findings and conclusions
    to the group during evening plenary sessions

    ++ writing a brief summary and/or coordinating submitted material for
    post-conference electronic dissemination.

    Submission Instructions

    Interested parties should submit a short proposal for a workshop of
    interest via email by May 26, 2000.

    Proposals should include title, description of what the workshop is to
    address and accomplish, proposed workshop length (1 or 2 days), planned
    format (mini-conference, panel discussion, combinations of the above,
    etc), and proposed speakers. Names of potential invitees should be given
    where possible. Preference will be given to workshops that reserve a
    significant portion of time for open discussion or panel discussion, as
    opposed to pure "mini-conference" format. An example format is:

    ++ Tutorial lecture providing background and introducing
    terminology relevant to the topic.

    ++ Two short lectures introducing different
    approaches, alternating with discussions after each lecture.

    ++ Discussion or panel presentation.

    ++ Short talks or panels alternating with discussion and
    question/answer sessions.

    ++ General discussion and wrap-up.

    We suggest that organizers allocate at least 50% of the workshop
    schedule to questions, discussion, and breaks. Past experience
    suggests that workshops otherwise degrade into mini-conferences as
    talks begin to run over.

    The proposal should motivate why the topic is of interest or
    controversial, why it should be discussed, and who the targeted group
    of participants is. It also should include a brief resume of the
    prospective workshop chair with a list of publications to establish
    scholarship in the field. Submissions should include contact name,
    address, email address, phone and fax numbers.

    Proposals should be emailed to caruana@cs.cmu.edu. Proposals must be
    RECEIVED by May 26, 2000. If email is unavailable, mail to: NIPS
    Workshops, Rich Caruana, SCS CMU, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh,
    PA 15213, USA.

    Questions may be addressed to either of the Workshop Co-Chairs:

    Rich Caruana (caruana@cs.cmu.edu)
    Virginia de Sa (desa@phy.ucsf.edu)


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