[UAI] PKDD'2000 - Call for Workshops Papers

From: Rauch Jan - KIZI, 2426, 438nb,UID=1291 (Rauch@vse.cz)
Date: Fri May 12 2000 - 08:49:42 PDT

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               PKDD'2000 - CALL FOR WORKSHOPS PAPERS

                                          4th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE
                                    ON PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF
                                 KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY IN DATABASES
                                                     LYON, FRANCE
                                          September 13 - 16, 2000

                                    WORKSHOPS: September 12, 2000


    Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) have
    emerged from a combination of many research areas: databases,
    statistics, machine learning, automated scientific discovery,
    inductive logic, programming, artificial intelligence,
    visualization, decision science, and high performance
    computing. While each of these areas can contribute in
    specific ways, KDD focuses on the value that is added by
    creative combination of the contributing areas.

    The goal of PKDD'2000 is to provide a European- based forum for
    interaction among all theoreticians and practitioners
    interested in data mining. Interdisciplinary collaboration is
    one desired outcome, but the main long-term focus is on
    theoretical principles for the emerging discipline of KDD and
    on practical applications of discovery systems that are built
    on those principles. We seek the KDD-specific principles that
    go beyond each contributing area. We seek a new generation of
    applications that go beyond applications developed in each
    contributing area.

    Five workshops will be organized at PKDD'2000:

                                     Workshop 1

             Data Mining, Decision Support, Meta-learning and ILP:
     Forum for Practical Problem Presentation and Prospective Solutions

    Chairs: Pavel Brazdil and Alipio Jorge, University of Porto, Portugal
    email: pbrazdil@ncc.up.pt, amjorge@ncc.up.pt

    Deadline : June 15, 2000h

    The objective is to provide a forum for interchange of ideas between
    researchers and representatives of companies involved in applying the
    existing technologies in solving of real problems. Researchers will
    describe their experience in applying the methodologies to problems of
    commercial, industrial and social interest. The representatives of
    companies will describe not only their success stories, but also
    concerns about the directions the research should follow.

    Website: http://www.ncc.up.pt/~ltorgo/ML_group.htmls/Events/DDMI/

                                      Workshop 2

         PKDD Workshop on Temporal, Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Data

    Chairs: John F. Roddick, Flinders U., South Australia
            Kathleen Hornsby, U.Maine, USA
    email: roddick@cs.flinders.edu.au, khornsby@spatial.maine.edu

    Deadline : June 15, 2000h

    The workshop will focus on research and practice of knowledge
    discovery from datasets containing explicit or implicit temporal or
    spatial information. Main topics of the workshop are: temporal
    association rule mining, time and space-oriented sequence
    mining,temporal and spatial classification, mining from geographic and
    geo-referenced data, spatial data mining, spatial clustering methods,
    spatio-temporal data mining, KDD processes and frameworks specifically
    catering for temporal and spatial data mining.

    Website: http://www.spatial.maine.edu/TSDM2000/TSDM2000.html

                                      Workshop 3

                            Knowledge Discovery in Biology

    Chair: Jan Komorowski, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
           Trondheim, Norway
    email: Jan.Komorowski@idi.ntnu.no

    Deadline : will be announced

    The workshop will focus on research and practice of knowledge
    discovery from datasets containing explicit or implicit temporal or
    spatial information. Main topics of the workshop are: temporal
    association rule mining, time and space-oriented sequence mining,
    temporal and spatial classification, mining from geographic and
    geo-referenced data, spatial data mining, spatial clustering methods,
    spatio-temporal data mining, KDD processes and frameworks specifically
    catering for temporal and spatial data mining.

    Website: will be announced

                                      Workshop 4

                      Machine Learning and Textual Information Access

    Chairs: Hugo Zaragoza, LIP6, University Paris 6, France
            Patrick Gallinari, LIP6, University Paris 6, France
            Martin Rajman, EPFL, Switzerland
    email: Hugo.Zaragoza@lip6.fr, Patrick.Gallinari@lip6.fr,

    Deadline : will be announced

    As "Textual Information Access" we denote here both the emerging
    interdisciplinary community of researchers from different fields
    sharing interest in the textual data objects and machine or
    statistical learning techniques aiming to develop automatic text
    analysis systems. Among the main topics are: information retrieval and
    filtering, multi-media information access, topic detection and
    tracking, text summarisation, representation techniques of textual
    information semantics, etc.

    Website: will be announced

                                    Workshop 5

                    Knowledge Management: Theory and Applications

    Chair: Jean-Louis Ermine, CEA Paris, France
    email: ermine@cartier.cea.fr

    Deadline : June 15th , 2000

    Knowledge management is the process of extracting knowledge from the
    sources accessible to persons in an organisation (structured data in
    databases, semi-structured data on the web and company documents,
    unstructured data in the brain of persons, multimedia data). The
    following topics are involved: knowledge capture, knowledge synthesis,
    knowledge dissemination, models and methodologies for knowledge
    management, etc.

    Website: http://www.sciences.univ-nantes.fr/irin/KMTA2000/

    Jan Rauch
    University of Economics Prague
    Workshops Chair

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