[UAI] postdoc

From: Patrik Eklund (peklund@cs.umu.se)
Date: Tue May 16 2000 - 13:50:17 PDT

  • Next message: Jennifer Barba: "[UAI] KDD-2000 Call for Corporate Sponsors"

    Umeå University in Sweden offers frontline research in several scientific
    fields spanning from humanities and social sciences over science and
    technology to medicine. The University has about 3800 employees and 24000
    students. The Faculty of Science and Technology has about 800 employees
    and about 5000 students. The faculty holds all of the classical subjects
    in science and big efforts are spent in building up the technological area.
    Umeå Institute of Technology is part of the Faculty of Science and

    The Faculty of Science and Technology and the Institute of Technology
    invites applicants for two or more faculty positions at the level of

    Assistant professor
    Computing Science and Applied Mathematics

    - one position as
    Assistant Professor directed to women, dnr 3152-989-00

    - one or more positions as
    Assistant Professor, dnr 3152-986-00

    Computing science and applied mathematics are strategic areas within
    the faculty and Umeå Institute of Technology. Umeå Institute of
    Technology has given priority to the following subject areas:

    Examples of interesting subject areas:

    … data communication and distributed systems
    … virtual reality and scientific visualization
    … software, interaction and cognition
    … parallel and scientific computing
    … signal processing/time series analysis
    … bioinformatics
    … computer intensive statistical methods.

    Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, copies of degree certificates,
    a statement of previous research achievements and teaching merits, a list
    of publications and reprints numbered according to the list, a short
    research plan maximum 4 pages and a list of referees, all in four copies.

    In order to qualify for the position you should have a doctoral degree or
    equivalent, which preferably is not more than 5 years old. The position is
    for two years, normally with a two years prolongation.

    Applications are to be sent to the Registrar, Umeå University, SE-901 87
    Umeå, Sweden, quoting Ref. no. 3152-986-98 or 3152-989-00. Closing date for
    the applications is June 22, 2000.

    Further details are given by Faculty director of studies Anders Lundin,
    Umeå Institute of Technology, Tel +46-90 786 9934, E-mail:
    anders.lundin@tfe.umu.se and Faculty Officer Erik Sundbom, Faculty of
    Science and Technology, Dean's Office, Tel +46-90-786 5513, E-mail:

    Umea University tel +46-90-7869914
    Department of Computing Science fax +46-90-7866126
    SE-90187 Umea e-mail peklund@cs.umu.se
    Sweden URL http://www.cs.umu.se/~peklund

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Tue May 16 2000 - 14:00:51 PDT