[UAI] CFP: Internet Imaging

From: raimondo.schettini@itim.mi.cnr.it
Date: Sat May 13 2000 - 16:59:53 PDT

  • Next message: Patrik Eklund: "[UAI] postdoc"

    (Our apologies if multiple copies arrive you.)

                            Internet Imaging (EI14)
                                    part of
                Electronic Imaging 2001, Science and Technology

                             21 to 26 January 2001
                           San Jose, California, USA

    Internet Imaging II (EI24)

    Conference Chairs: Giordano Beretta, Hewlett-Packard Co.; Raimondo
    Schettini, Istituto Tecnologie Informatiche Multimediali, CNR (Italy)
    Program Committee: Robert R. Buckley, Xerox Corp.; Shih-Fu Chang, Columbia
    Univ.; Lucy Cherkasova, Hewlett-Packard Labs.; Alberto Del Bimbo, Univ.
    degli Studi di Firenze (Italy); Ullas Gargi, Hewlett-Packard Labs.; Theo
    Gevers, Univ. of Amsterdam (Netherlands); Jennifer Gille, Raytheon ITSS;
    Neil J. Gunther, Performance Dynamics Consulting; Roger-David Hersch, École
    Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland); Yasuyo G. Ichihara, Hosen
    Gakuen Junior College (Japan); Corinne Jörgensen, SUNY/Buffalo; Lloyd
    McIntyre, Xerox Corp.; Marco Padula, Istituto Tecnologie Informatiche
    Multimediali, CNR (Italy); Simon Shim, San Jose State Univ.; Maureen Stone,
    StoneSoup Consulting; Sabine E. Süsstrunk, École Polytechnique Fédérale de
    Lausanne (Switzerland); Ingeborg Tastl, Sony Electronics Inc.; Alain
    Trémeau, Univ. Jean Monnet (France); Robert A. Ulichney, Compaq Computer
    Corp.; Yujin Zhang, Tsinghua Univ. (China)

    Images have been the main propellant for the Internet's popularization.
    Expectations for performance and quality of images are driving new
    technologies as the space of web-connected business and commercial
    imaging solutions grows and as the cost of Web access and high quality
    reproduction hardcopy devices drops. New applications are appearing to
    take advantage of these opportunities, and exposing new system

    Internet imaging is different from other imaging applications because an
    internet is a network of networks. This entails complications like
    unpredictable latency, caching, firewalls, security, platform
    heterogeneity, standardization, and others. Furthermore, images can be
    still images, animations, or video sequences.

    This conference is intended as a forum for discussing these
    technologies, applications, and challenges facing them. The participants
    will present the most recent developments in the appropriate
    representation, communication, and rendering of images using the
    Internet. Focus of the conference is on novel means of image capture,
    coding, computation and representation specific to the Internet,
    efficient transport of images over networks, display and rendering of
    image received over networks, and the requirements of applications which
    derive value from the use of these technologies. Unmet needs of desired
    applications are also relevant. Algorithms, protocols, software,
    hardware, communications systems, and applications are appropriate

    Papers are solicited in the following areas, and special attention is
    given to new applications and requirements created by opportunities on
    the Internet:

    *) image processing for Internet, reuse of softcopy and hardcopy images:
    data compression and representation, coding for multiresolution or
    resolution-independent images
    *) imaging issues in content-based indexing, search and retrieval,
    indexing video
    *) virtual and augmented reality, telemedicine, data visualization,
    remote surveillance
    *) Internet video, multimedia presentation on the Internet: multimedia
    integration, presentation, management, authoring, animation, SMIL, SVG,
    VRML, Interactive TV, multimedia presentation formats, presentation
    agents, and e-commerce
    *) multimedia applications
    *) systems issues: color space architectures, distributed color
    management, computation for images on the *) Internet, automatic
    printing, displays for Internet appliances, e-commerce and e-services
    *) network image transport: protocols, XML applications, Web crawling,
    caching, and security
    *) network computing: distributed computing, performance analysis, fault
    tolerance & failure recovery, media synchronization, transaction
    managers, directory and agent services
    *) social and legal issues and technical solutions for the Internet
    including copyright, content rating, *) watermarking, authentication,
    non-repudiation, and notification
    *) interactive image creation for the Internet: artistic impression, Web
    design, special issues for video, *) semiotics, advanced man-machine
    interfacing, visual languages, ergonometry
    *) publishing on the Internet: graphic arts requirements, commerce
    systems, agents, image syndication, leasing, resolution and quality
    requirements, movie film digitatization and color restoration,
    palettization, file formats, capture systems
    *) classifying images: cataloging, categorization, thesauri,
    iconography, ontologies, metadata, XML solutions, indexing video
    *) cultural heritage applications: image permanence issues, scanning
    strategies, cataloging, presentation and publication strategies, DVD-ROM
    vs. Internet

    A fast Internet connection will be available in the conference room.

    Abstract Due Date:
    12 June 2000

    Final Summary Due Date:
    20 November 2000

    Manuscript Due Date:
    30 October 2000


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