[UAI] CFP: MLJ special issue

From: Dale Schuurmans (dale@logos.math.uwaterloo.ca)
Date: Mon May 22 2000 - 16:52:39 PDT

  • Next message: Mohammad Borujerdi: "[UAI] Dissertation: Optimal Inference with Local Expressions"

                             Call for Papers

                        MACHINE LEARNING Journal
                            Special Issue on



      Yoshua Bengio, Université de Montréal
      Dale Schuurmans, University of Waterloo


      July 31, 2000 (electronic submission in pdf or postscript format)

    A fundamental tradeoff in machine learning and statistics is the
    under-fitting versus over-fitting dilemma: When inferring a predictive
    relationship from data one must typically search a complex space of
    hypotheses to ensure that a good predictive model is available, but
    must simultaneously restrict the hypothesis space to ensure that good
    candidates can be reliably distinguished from bad. That is, the
    learning problem is fundamentally ill-posed; several functions might
    fit a given set of data but behave very differently on further data
    drawn from the same distribution. A classical approach to coping with
    this tradeoff is to perform "model selection" where one imposes a
    complexity ranking over function classes and then optimizes a combined
    objective of class complexity and data fit. In doing so, however, it
    would be useful to have an accurate estimate of the expected
    generalization error at each complexity level so that the function
    class with the lowest expected error could be selected, or functions
    from the classes with lowest expected error could be combined, and so
    on. Many approaches have been proposed for this purpose in both the
    statistics and the machine learning research communities.

    Recently in machine learning and statistics there has been renewed
    interest in techniques for evaluating generalization error, for
    optimizing generalization error, and for combining and selecting
    models. This is exemplified, for instance, by recent work on
    structural risk minimization, support vector machines, boosting
    algorithms, and the bagging algorithm. These new approaches suggest
    that better generalization performance can be obtained using new,
    broadly applicable procedures. Progress in this area has not only
    been important for improving our understanding of how machine learning
    algorithms can generalize effectively, it has already proven its value
    in real applications of machine learning and data analysis.
    We seek submissions that cover any of these new areas of predictive
    model selection and combination. We are particularly interested in
    papers that present current work on boosting, bagging, and Bayesian
    model combination techniques, as well as work on model selection,
    regularization, and other automated complexity control methods.
    Papers can be either theoretical or empirical in nature; our primary
    goal is to collect papers that shed new light on existing algorithms
    or propose new algorithms that can be shown to exhibit superior
    performance under identifiable conditions. The key evaluation
    criteria will be insight and novelty.
    This special issue Machine Learning follows from a successful workshop
    held on the same topic at the Université de Montréal in April, 2000.
    This workshop brought together several key researchers in the fields
    of machine learning and statistics to discuss current research issues
    on boosting algorithms, support vector machines, and model selection
    and regularization techniques. Further details about the workshop can
    be found at www.iro.umontreal.ca/~bengioy/crmworkshop2000.


    Papers should be sent by email to dale@cs.uwaterloo.ca by July 31,
    2000. The preferred format for submission is PDF or Postscript.
    (Please be sure to embed any special fonts.) If electronic submission
    is not possible, then a hard copy can be sent to:

      Dale Schuurmans
      Department of Computer Science
      200 University Avenue West
      University of Waterloo
      Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
      (519) 888-4567 x6769 (for courier delivery)

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