[UAI] Dissertation: Optimal Inference with Local Expressions

From: Mohammad Borujerdi (bouyerm@cs.orst.edu)
Date: Tue May 23 2000 - 08:49:22 PDT


    Hello everybody. I am happy to announce that my Ph.D. dissertation
    entitled "Optimal Inference with Local Expressions" is now available on
    line at:


    I hope the abstract that follows will be interseting to you. Thanks.
    Probabilistic inference using Bayesian networks is now a well-established
    approach for reasoning under uncertainty. Among many efficiency-driven
    techniques which have been developed, the Optimal Factoring Problem (OFP)
    is distinguished for presenting a combinatorial optimization point of view
    on the problem.
    The contribution of this thesis is to extend OFP into a theoretical
    framework that not only covers the standard Bayesian networks but also
    includes non-standard Bayesian networks. A non-standard Bayesian network
    has structures within its local distributions that are significant to the
    problem. This thesis presents value sets algebra as a coherent framework
    that facilitates formal treatments of inference in both standard and
    non-standard Bayesian networks as a combinatorial optimization

    Parallel to value sets algebra theory local expression languages allow one
    to symbolically encode Bayesian network distributions. Such symbolic
    encodings allow all the structural and numerical information in
    distributions to be represented in the most compact form. However, the
    symbolic and syntactic flexibilities in local expression languages have
    the usual drawback of allowing possible incoherent expressions. Value sets
    algebra leads us to an efficient coherency verification on such expressions.
    This thesis views optimal inference with local expressions as an optimal
    search problem. The search space for this problem is shown to be so large
    that it renders any exhaustive search impractical. Hence it is necessary
    to turn to heuristic solutions. Using A* heuristic framework and ideas
    from OFP, which is the counterpart of this problem for standard Bayesian
    networks, a heuristic algorithm for the problem is developed. As a key
    feature, this algorithm differentiates between symbolic combinations of
    expressions and arithmetic operations in the expressions. Cost bearing
    arithmetic operations are performed only when sufficient information is
    available to guarantee that no saving opportunities are lost. On the other
    hand, expressions are combined in a way that quickly provides maximum
    opportunity for efficient arithmetic operations.

    This thesis also explores the representation of Intercausal Independencies
    (ICI) in Bayesian networks and defines some new operators in local
    expression language which are shown to facilitate more efficient ICI

    Mohammad Borujerdi

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