viewgraphs for CAUSALITY

From: Judea Pearl (
Date: Mon Jun 05 2000 - 14:08:50 PDT

  • Next message: Peter Tillers: "[UAI] your Evidenceweb sites"

    Friends in UAI,
        Those who consider teaching from my new book, CAUSALITY,
    will be pleased to know that viewgraphs and homework exercises
    have now been posted on my web site

         Additionally, if you click on "discussion
    with readers" you will find there comments that readers and
    students have sent me so far, together with my response.
    You are welcome to contribute to this page by sending
    comments, suggestions, requests for clarification and,
    of course, basic ideological objections.
    I will try my best to reply.
    See you at UAI-2000,

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