ISAS 2001 - Evol. Comp. and Graph. Models

From: Alberto Ochoa (
Date: Thu Oct 05 2000 - 09:44:41 PDT

  • Next message: Eugene Santos: "[UAI] [2nd CFP 10/27 deadline!] Special Track on Uncertainty, FLAIRS 2001"

    --- apologies for cross posting ----

                        ISAS 2001
            International Symposium on Adaptive Systems

         "Evolutionary Computation and Probabilistic
                 Graphical Models"

          Hotel Palco and Havana Convention Center,
                  March 19-23, 2001

             ( http::// )


    To be hold in Havana in the period 19-23 March 2001 in
    the context of the International Conference CIMAF
    The major themes of the symposium are evolutionary
    computation or hybrid evolutionary approaches,
    and bayesian learning or learning in graphical models.

    This symposium follows the successful ISAS’99
    (International Symposium on Adaptive Systems)
    held in Havana in the context of CIMAF’99 conference,
    and aims at exploring these two research
    activities and their roles and interactions in
    Adaptive Systems.

    - ----------------------------------
    - - Scientific Programme

    Our main purpose is to bring together researchers,
    coming from different communities, who share the
    common feature of being involved in using the
    dependence structure of a complex statistical model in

    some aspect of evolutionary computation and other
    modern heuristic or soft-computing techniques.
    Cross-fertilization between graphical model research
    and different soft-computing approaches, such as
    genetic algorithms and other evolutionary algorithms,
    as well as neural network learning, reinforcement
    learning, decision tree learning, etc, will be
    strongly encouraged by the conference. However, the
    of interest to this conference include but are not
    limited to the following:
    - - Genetic algorithms
    - - Learning Bayesian Models from data.
    - - Genetic programming
    - - Mixture of Models.
    - - Classifier systems, evolutionary learning.
    - - Dynamic Bayesian Networks.
    - - Evolutionary optimization.
    - - Gaussian Graphical Models.
    - - Constraint, global and multiobjective optimization
    - - Model selection.
    - - Evolutionary strategies
    - - Monte Carlo methods.
    - - Graphical Models and Evolutionary Computation.
    - - Junction tree algorithms.
    - - Graphical Models and Neural Networks.
    - - Simulation in Graphical Models.
    - - Reinforcement learning.
    - - Theoretical Foundations of G. Models
    - - Bayesian and Evolutionary Data Mining.
    - - Stochastic algorithms
    - - Other soft-computing heuristics.
    - - Models with latent variables
    - - Stochastic Dynamical Systems.
    - - G. Models in Game Theory
    - - Theoretical Foundations of EC

    - ------------------------------------------------------

    - - Symposium chair
            Dr. Alberto Ochoa Rodríguez, Cuba

    - - Technical Chairs
            Heinz Muehlenbein, Germany
            Tom English, USA
            Pedro Larrañaga, Spain

    - ------------------------------------------------------

    - - Program Committee

    Alejandro Rosete, Cuba
    Alice Smith, USA
    Alina Ruiz, Cuba
    Amilcar Cardoso, Portugal
    Carlos Coello, Mexico
    Colin Fyfe, GB
    David Heckerman, USA
    David Dowe, Australia
    Edgar Oropesa, Cuba
    Enrique Sucar, Mexico
    Ernesto Costa, Portugal
    Gulnara Baldoquín, Cuba
    Hans-Heinrich Bothe, Alemania
    Heinz Muehlenbein, Alemania
    Hossein Arsham, USA
    Iñaki Inza, España
    Jean-Francois Angers, Canada
    Jiri Pospichal, Slovakia
    Joerg Lemm, Alemania
    José A. Lozano, España
    José Ruiz Schulloper, Cuba
    Joe Wittaker, GB
    Juan C. Jimenez, Cuba
    Kalyanmoy Deb, India
    Katya R. Vázquez, México
    Kennet A. De Jong, USA
    Marcus Gallagher, Australia
    Marta Soto, Cuba
    Martin Pelican, USA
    Michael Conrad, USA
    Michele Sebag, Francia
    Luciano García, Cuba
    Osvaldo Velez Lang, Colombia
    Paolo Giudici, Italia
    Pedro Larrañaga, España
    Peter Angeline, USA
    Ramón Etxeberria, España
    Roberto Santana, Cuba
    Russ Eberhart, USA
    Thomas English, USA
    Thilo Mahnig, Alemania
    Antonio Salmerón, Spain
    Jorge Muruzabal, Spain
    Serafin Moral, Spain
    Henry Tirri, Finland
    Marek Druzdel, USA
    Jose A. Gámez, Spain
    Uffe Kjaerulff, Denmark
    Concha Bielza, Spain
    Luis Ortiz, USA
    Luis M de Campos, Spain

    - -------------------------------------------
    - - Publication of papers

    Conference proceedings will be published and be
    available for the delegates at the conference in
    printed form. In addition the authors of the best
    submissions will be invited to expand and refine
    their papers for possible publication in one leading
    international journal.

    The working language is English.

    - -------------------------------------
    - - Important dates:
    December 8, 2000 -- > Deadline for submission of
    papers (<=8 pages)
    January 19, 2001 -- > Notification of acceptance
    Febraury 1, 2001 --> Deadline for camera-ready
    copies of accepted papers and registration of
                           at least one author
    March 19-23, 2001 --> Conference

    - ---------------------------------------------
    For further information please contact:

    ISAS 2001 URL:
    Dr. Alberto Ochoa Rodríguez
    Institute of Cybernetics, Mathematics and Physics
    Center of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics.
    Calle 15 No. 551 e/ C y D.
    CP. 10400. La Habana. Cuba.
    Fax: 537-333373
    Phone: 537-327764


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