[UAI] [2nd CFP 10/27 deadline!] Special Track on Uncertainty, FLAIRS 2001

From: Eugene Santos (eugene@engr.uconn.edu)
Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 10:40:28 PDT

  • Next message: Graham Williams: "[UAI] PAKDD-2001 CFP: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining"

    [Please distribute this freely and widely! My apologies if you have
    received this more than once... -Gene ]

    Key West, Florida
    May 21-23, 2001

    Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning

    Call For Papers

    The Fourteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium
    Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning seeks to bring together researchers
    working on issues related to reasoning under uncertainty. FLAIRS 2001 will be
    held in beautiful Key West, Florida. Additional information on the conference
    locale and travel planning can be found at http://www.flairs.com
    Papers on all aspects of uncertain reasoning are invited. Papers of particular
    interest to this track are:

    - - practical applications of uncertain reasoning
    - - inference of models from data, data mining, knowledge discovery
    - - construction of probabilistic models
    - - qualitative probabilistic reasoning
    - - decision-theoretic planning, POMDPs,
    - - systems of argumentation or defeasible reasoning, probability logics
    - - temporal reasoning and uncertainty

    Special Issue in IEEE Trans SMC
    - -------------------------------

    This year, we also intend to select the best 4-6 papers from our track to be
    invited for journal submission to a SPECIAL ISSUE on Uncertainty in the IEEE
    Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B slated to be in press
    October 2001.

    Critical Dates
    - --------------

    Papers Due: October 27, 2000
    Author Notificaton: January 12, 2001
    Camera Ready Copy Due: February 16, 2001
    Journal Invitation: March 15, 2001
    Journal Paper Due: May 15, 2001
    Conference Dates: May 21-23, 2001

    Program Committee Co-Chairs
    - ---------------------------
    Eugene Santos Jr., University of Connecticut
    Yang Xiang, University of Guelph

    Program Committee
    - -----------------
    Marek J. Druzdzel, University of Pittsburgh
    Love Ekenberg, Stockholm University and KTH
    Shaw Green, University of London
    Eric Neufeld, University of Saskatchewan
    Andy Novobilski, University of Texas at Arlington
    Simon D. Parsons, University of Liverpool
    Silja Renooij, Utrecht University
    Solomon Eyal Shimony, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
    Linda van der Gaag, Utrecht University
    Hakan Younes, Carnegie Mellon University

    Submission Information
    - ----------------------
    Papers should not exceed 5000 words, including abstract and references. All
    accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Final papers
    will consist of at most 5 galley pages (approximately 10-12 double spaced
    pages). Only full papers will be considered for submission.

    There are two ways to submit a paper to the uncertainty track. In order of
    preference these are:

    - - Email
    - - Snail mail

    Submission by Email
    - -------------------
    If submitting by email, send a postscript file to eugene@cse.uconn.edu
    attached to a message which gives the title, area, and authors of the paper.

    Submission by Snail Mail
    - ------------------------
    Send 5 copies of a paper or an extended abstract (indicating the selected
    areas) to the address below:
          Eugene Santos Jr.
          Co-Chair, FLAIRS-01 Uncertainty Track
          Department of Computer Science & Engineering
          University of Connecticut
          UTEB, 191 Auditorium Rd., U-155
          Storrs, CT 06269-3155

    Up to date information on this special track can be found at

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