[UAI] Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis AIDA 2001 (CIMA 2001)

From: Jeanny S. Ryffel (planning@icsc.ab.ca)
Date: Mon Oct 09 2000 - 11:12:13 PDT

  • Next message: zanasia@it.ibm.com: "Statistical Modelling for Data Mining Conference"

    CIMA 2001

    International ICSC Congress
    (updated weekly)

    June 19 - 22, 2001
    University of Wales, Bangor, Wales (UWB)

    General Chair: Ludmila I. Kuncheva, UWB
    General Co-chair: Tim Porter, UWB

    A plenary address will be given by Dr. James Bezdek,
    Univ. of West Florida, USA.

    CIMA 2001 will include the following symposia:

    FLA 2001 (Fuzzy Logic and Applications),
    Chair: Vilem Novak, Czech Republic
    Co-chair: Irina Perfilieva, Czech Republic

    AIDA 2001 (Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis),
    Chair: Mayer Aladjem, Israel

    ACBM 2001 (Advanced Computing in Bio Medicine),
    Chair: Friedrich Steimann, Germany

    ACFM 2001 (Advanced Computing in the Financial Markets),
    Chair: Christian Haefke, USA.
    Vice-chair Ypke Hiemstra, The Netherlands

    Defining "Computational Intelligence" is not straightforward. Several
    expressions compete to name the same interdisciplinary area. It is
    difficult, if not impossible, to accommodate in a formal definition
    disparate areas with their own established individualities such as fuzzy
    sets, neural networks, evolutionary computation, machine learning,
    Bayesian reasoning, etc. "Computational Intelligence" is rather the intuition
    behind the synergism between these and many more, at the verge of Computer
    Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering. Bringing together diverse expertise
    and experience can enrich each of the participating discipline and foster
    new research perspectives in the broad field of Computational

    The symposium on AIDA'2001 will provide a forum aimed at covering
    state-of-the-art research, development and applications of computational
    intelligence techniques in data analysis across a variety of disciplines.
    All aspects of data analysis are of interest: applications and tools,
    theory and general principles, algorithms and techniques, etc.

    The main topics include but are not limited to:

    * classification, regression, clustering
    * statistical pattern recognition
    * neural networks for classification and regression
    * self-organizing networks
    * machine learning
    * support vector machines
    * committee of machines
    * data mining
    * feature extraction and selection
    * dimensionality reduction
    * exploratory data analysis
    * visualization
    * knowledge-based analysis
    * human-computer interaction in data analysis
    * optimization, heuristics and search methods
    * comparative studies
    * applications

    International Program Committee (AIDA'2001):

    Anderson P., RIT, USA
    Arsham H., U of Baltimore, USA []
    Ben-Arie J., Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, USA []
    Biswas G., Vanderbilt, USA []
    Cios K., U of Toledo, USA []
    Ferri F., U of Valencia, Spain []
    Gori M., U of Siena, Italy []
    Guterman H., Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel []
    Hoffman A., University of New South Wales, Australia []
    Jain A.K., Michigan State University, USA []
    Krzanowski W.J.University of Exeter, U.K. []
    Kudo M., Hokkaido University, Japan []
    Lerner B., University of Cambridge, England []
    Mardia K., U of Leeds, U.K. []
    Oja E., Helsinki U of Technolgoy, Finland []
    Posse C., Talaria Inc., USA []
    Preece A., University of Aberdeen. Scotland, U.K. []
    Roberts S., Imperial College London, U.K. []
    Steele N., U of Coventry, U.K. []
    Webb A., Defence Research Agency, Malvern, U.K. []
    Wnek J., Science Applications International Corporation, U.S.A. []
    Xu L., U of Hongkong, Hongkong []
    Zelterman D., Yale University, U.S.A.

    Papers that provide new methodologies and techniques or enhance our
    understanding of existing methods are particularly welcome.

    Call for Invited Sessions:
    The organization of invited sessions is encouraged. Prospective organizers
    are requested to send a session proposal (consisting of 4-5 invited
    papers, the recommended session-chair and co-chair, as well as a short statement
    describing the title and the purpose of the session) to the respective
    symposium chair or the congress organizer. Invited sessions should
    preferably start with a tutorial paper. The registration fee of the session organizer
    will be waived, if at least 4 authors of invited papers register to the

    Call for Workshops, Tutorials and Other Contributions:

    A workshop/tutorial should focus on a particular topic, and consist of
    several presentations and open discussions. The proposal for a
    workshop/tutorial should include the title, topics covered, proposed
    speakers, targeted audiences, and estimated length (hours) of the
    workshop/tutorial. The proposal should be submitted either to the congress
    chair, the corresponding symposium chair or the congress organizer
    by October 31, 2000.

    Important Dates:
    Submission Deadline : October 31, 2000
    Notification of Acceptance: December 31, 2000
    Delivery of Full Papers February 15, 2001
    CIMA 2001 Congress June 19-22, 2001

    The British Computer Society
    University of Wales, Bangor
    ICSC/NAISO Canada/Switzerland

    Planning Division
    ICSC International Computer Science Conventions
    NAISO Natural and Artificial Intelligence Systems Organization
    5101C - 50 Street - Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 1K1 - Canada
    - ---------------------------------------------------
    Email: planning@icsc.ab.ca
    Website: http://www.icsc.ab.ca
    Phone: +1-780-352-1912
    Fax: +1-780-352-1913

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