[UAI] Importance Sampling paper

From: Antonio Salmeron Cerdan (asalmero@ual.es)
Date: Mon Oct 16 2000 - 09:17:05 PDT

  • Next message: Yukio Osawa: "[UAI] CFP, International Workshops of JSAI2001"

       Dear colleagues,

        The following reference may be of your interest:

    Antonio Salmeron, Andres Cano, Serafin Moral (2000)
    "Importance sampling in Bayesian networks using probability trees".
    Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 34, pages 387-413.

    Abstract: In this paper a new Monte-Carlo algorithm for the propagation
    of probabilities in Bayesian networks is proposed. This algorithm has two
    stages: in the first one an approximate propagation is carried out
    by means of a deletion sequence of the variables. In the second
    stage a sample is obtained using as sampling distribution the
    calculations of the first step. The different configurations of the
    sample are weighted according to the importance sampling
    technique. We show how the use of probability trees to store
    and to approximate probability potentials, and a careful selection
    of the deletion sequence, make this algorithm able to propagate
    over large networks with extreme probabilities.

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