[UAI] CFP, International Workshops of JSAI2001

From: Yukio Osawa (osawa@gssm.otsuka.tsukuba.ac.jp)
Date: Tue Oct 17 2000 - 19:29:56 PDT

  • Next message: Joseph Halpern: "[UAI] TARK VIII call for papers"

    On behalf of the Program Committee of the fifteenth annual conference
    of Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence (JSAI2001), I am happy
    to announce that we are organizing multiple international workshops
    colocated with the main conference in Matsue, Shimane prefecture,
    Japan in May 2001.

    The following has the general information about all workshops in
    JSAI2001, for supporting the preparation of people who may submit
    papers to one (or more) of the workshops. Calls for papers with more
    details will be released from each workshop organizer.

    Yukio OHSAWA,
    - - Associate Professor, Graduate School of Systems Management,
      University of Tsukuba
    - - Researcher of TOREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation
    Address: GSSM, University of Tsukuba, 3-29-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku
    Tokyo 112-0012 Japan
    Tel:+81-3-3942-7141, Fax: +81-3-3942-6829
    E-mail: osawa@gssm.otsuka.tsukuba.ac.jp

    *************** JSAI 2001 International Workshops ***************

    Date: 21 --22 May 2001
    Supported by the Fifteenth Annual Conference of Japanese Society of
    Artificial Intelligence (JSAI 2001), 22-25 May, 2001, Matsue, JAPAN

    1. International workshops from JSAI

    JSAI Annual conferences have been organized since 1987 to enhance
    studies on artificial intelligence, mainly of Japanese domestic
    researchers, with sessions mostly made of presentations/discussions
    in Japanese.

    The presentations in these series of events became the seeds of
    various later success of basic and applied studies, not only in the
    area of AI but also to authorized and newly recognized relevant
    areas, e.g. successful business applications, robot soccer games etc.

    JSAI2001 will be the first JSAI conference holding international
    sessions and international workshops, co-located with the main
    conference. This aims at having people looking at various current AI
    studies/trends from various aspects stimulate each other, in an
    environment where new meaningful directions are desired by attendants.

    Workshops are intended to focus attentions to specific research
    issues/ topics, and to informal and exciting presentations and
    discussions on problems important even though not authorized, and
    ideas interesting even though not yet established. Rather than
    accepting matured results, we would like to supply places to make
    new ideas and new meaningful directions grow.

    2. Workshops to be Organized (links for more information of each
       workshop will come out soon)

    1) Social intelligence Design
           Organizer: Prof. Toyoaki Nishida (The University of Tokyo),
    2) Agent Approach to Economics and Social Systems (AESS)
           Organizer: Prof. Akira Namatame (National Defense Academy),
    3) Rough Set Theory and Granular Computing
           Organizer: Prof. Shusaku Tsumoto (Shimane Medical University),
    4) Chance Discovery (more information)
           Organizer: Prof. Yukio Ohsawa (University of Tsukuba),
    5) JSAI KDD Challenge 2001 (JKDD01)
           Organizer: Prof. Takashi Washio (Osaka University),

    3. Important Dates

    (organizer of each workshop is arranging the details)

         - Submission Deadline of Papers: *** January 31, 2001 ***
         - Acceptance Notification of Papers: *** February 28, 2001 ***
         - Camera Ready due: *** March 31, 2001 ***
         - Workshops: *** May 22, 2001 ***

    4. Other Information
    - - - Information for participants will be announced, on a Web page
    linked from the official Web page for JSAI2001
    - - - The workshop notes will be published from
      Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence (JSAI), as one separate
      from the conference proceedings.

    5. Workshops Co-chairs
    (a subcommitee of the program committee of JSAI2001)

    Workshops chair
     Yukio Ohsawa, University of Tsukuba (Japan),
    Workshops co-chair
     Helmut Prendinger, The University of Tokyo (Japan),
    Workshops co-chair
     Mayumi Kamata, IBM Japan (Japan),

    *** Address here if the relevance of your inquiry is common to all workshops.
    Otherwise please ask the organizer of each workshop. For example, the relevance
    of your paper to a workshop should be addressed to the organizer rather than to
    the address below.

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