[UAI] TARK VIII call for papers

From: Joseph Halpern (halpern@cs.cornell.edu)
Date: Wed Oct 18 2000 - 15:31:01 PDT

  • Next message: Rao, Bharat: "[UAI] RESEARCH SCIENTIST, Data Mining, Siemens Corporate Research"

                        CALL FOR PAPERS: TARK VIII

    July 8-10, 2001
    The Certosa di Pontignano, University of Siena, Italy

    The bi-annual TARK conferences bring together researchers from a wide
    variety of fields, including Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography,
    Distributed Computing, Economics, Game Theory, Linguistics, Logic,
    Philosophy, and Psychology -- to further our understanding of
    interdisciplinary issues involving reasoning about rationality and
    knowledge. Topics of interest include semantic models for knowledge, belief
    and uncertainty, bounded rationality and resource-bounded reasoning,
    commonsense epistemic reasoning, logics of knowledge and action, formal
    analysis of games, applications of reasoning about knowledge and other
    mental states, belief revision, and the role of knowledge in general
    information flow. TARK has been influential in building interfaces between
    disciplines, and accelerating new research trends, both through the actual
    event and the circulation of its proceedings. The 2001 conference will
    again serve this important purpose by its mix of contributed and invited
    talks reflecting the state of the art. Recently, TARK and LOFT (the
    Conference on Logic and Foundations of Game and Decision Theory) have been
    coordinated, so that they are held in alternating years.

    Johan van Benthem (chair, Amsterdam and Stanford, johan@wins.uva.nl)
    Samson Abramsky (Computer Science, Edinburgh), Giacomo Bonanno (Economics,
    UC Davis), Nicola Dimitri (Economics, Siena), Joseph Halpern (Computer
    Science, Cornell), Wiebe van der Hoek (Computer Science, Utrecht), Angelika
    Kratzer (Linguistics, Amherst), Bart Lipman (Economics, Madison), Hans Rott
    (Philosophy, Regensburg), Ariel Rubinstein (Economics, Tel Aviv and
    Princeton), Gabriel Sandu (Philosophy, Helsinki), Yoav Shoham (Computer
    Science, Stanford), Tuomas Sandholm (Computer Science, Washington U., S.

    Professors Nicola Dimitri and Alessandro Vercelli, Department of Political
    Economics, University of Siena, SIENA, Italy, tel. +.39.577.232695, fax
    +.39.577.232661, email dimitri@unisi.it

    Submissions are now invited to TARK-VIII. Please submit a detailed
    electronic abstract (not a full paper) plus 14 copies by ordinary mail to
    the address below. Strong preference will be given to papers whose topic is
    of interest to an interdisciplinary audience, and papers should be
    accessible to such an audience. Papers will be held to the usual high
    standards of original research publications. In particular, they should 1)
    contain enough information to enable the program committee to identify the
    main contribution of the work; 2) explain the significance of the work --
    its novelty and practical or theoretical implications; and they should 3)
    include comparisons with and references to relevant literature.
    Abstracts should not exceed ten double-spaced pages (4,000 words). If
    possible, an email address for the contact author should be included.
    Papers arriving late or departing significantly from these guidelines risk
    immediate rejection. The deadline for submission of abstracts is February
    14, 2001. Authors will be notified of acceptance by April 14, 2001.
    Camera-ready copies of accepted papers are due by May 14, 2001. One author
    of each accepted paper will be expected to present the paper at the
    conference. The conference proceedings with accepted contributed papers and
    invited lectures will be published.

    TARK 2001, c/o Ms. Ingrid van Loon, Institute for Logic, Language and
    Computation, University of Amsterdam, Plantage Muidergracht 24,1018 TV
    AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands,
    tel. + 31.20.5256519, fax +31.20.5255206, email ingrid@wins.uva.nl

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