[UAI] Re: From the Indian press

From: Gordon Hazen (Hazen@iems.northwestern.edu)
Date: Fri Jan 12 2001 - 07:10:41 PST

  • Next message: Stefano Monti: "[UAI] Re: From the Indian press"

    Hierarchical models are discussed in many graduate-level Bayesian
    textbooks, for example, Bernardo & Smith (Wiley 1994), C.P. Robert
    (Springer 1994), and Berger (Springer 1985).

    Gordon Hazen

    At 08:44 AM 1/11/01 -0800, Judea Pearl wrote:
    >Has anyone heard about this work before?
    >What is a "Hierarchical Bayes" approach?

    Gordon Hazen
    IE/MS Department, McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. USA 60208-3119
    Phone 847-491-5673 Fax 847-491-8005
    Web: www.iems.nwu.edu/~hazen/

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