[UAI] IEEE Conference Software Maint. Italy,Florence, ICSM2001

From: NESI (icsm2001@dsi.unifi.it)
Date: Sun Jan 14 2001 - 10:29:00 PST

  • Next message: Daphne Koller: "[UAI[ UAI-01 Call for Papers"

    Dear Colleague

    I would like to invite you to propose papers, experiences, tutorials,
    tool expositions, dissertations at the
                IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2001,
    and workshops: SCAM, WESS, WSE and TABOO, etc., November 2001, Florence, Italy.

    ICSM is the major international conference in the field of software and
    systems maintenance, evolution, management, software metrics and quality, etc.

    Outstanding Keynotes such as:

    >->->Prof. David Lorge Parnas, Prof. Dieter Rombach, Prof. Ivar Jacobson<-<-<-

    Awards, workshops, panels, and other exciting activities have been planned.

    Please note in the following the new deadline that has been moved to
    satisfy the several requests recevied, next deadline

    >->->->-29 January 2001<-<-<-<-<-<-

    Please forward this remind to anybody who you think may be interested.
    Apologies if you have already seen this.

    If you would like to be removed from our list please send an email to
    icsm2001@dsi.unifi.it with REMOVE in the subject.

    Paolo Nesi
    (General Chair)



    IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance 2001
    FLORENCE, ITALY, 6-10 November 2001


    Theme: Systems and Software Evolution in the era of the Internet

      Research Paper submission 29 January 2001
      Dissertation submission 29 January 2001
      Industrial Application submission 12 March 2001
      Tools request and submission 12 March 2001
      Tutorial submission 12 February 2001


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