[UAI] BISCA 2001 -- Hierarchies of representation

From: Roberto Poli (roberto.poli@soc.unitn.it)
Date: Mon Jan 22 2001 - 08:30:33 PST

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    Bolzano (Italy), September 10-15

    Irving BIEDERMAN (University of Southern California)
    Alexander MEYSTEL (Drexel University, Philadelphia)
    James POMERANTZ (Rice University)
    John WILLATS (University of Birmingham)

    Discussant: Alf ZIMMER (University of Regensburg)

    DESCRIPTION. Mainstream contemporary cognitive science starts from the
    assumption that knowledge essentially consists of the manipulation of inner
    representations - variously defined as neurophysiological states, mental
    images or symbolic codifications.
    The question 'what is a representation' immediately raises a series of
    sub-issues, as if there are primitive aspects of representing connected to a
    type of concrete representation which differentiate its format with respect
    to abstract, mnestic or symbolic representations; if there is a continuum
    between the two (or more) levels and/or if it is possible to draw a
    demarcation line, at least descriptively, between the different aspects of
    the representation. In other words, if it is possible to identify aspects of
    the structure and of the perceptual content that differ from substantially
    symbolic and definitional aspects of the representation.
    Bisca 2001 will analyse the multigranular processes and hierarchies of
    knowledge representation, in particular to those aspects of knowledge
    representation more tied to phenomena of assimilation and perceptual
    organization, as evident, for example, in phenomena of amodal perception
    which shed light on the character of emergences at different level (within
    the format of actual representation itself) of multiscaled levels of
    cognitive integration.
    The school addresses to experimental psychologists, computer scientists and
    philosophers endowed with a scientific approach to the discipline.

    General information
    ==Each speaker will give 4 lectures, with ample time for discussion.
    ==All lectures will be in English.
    ==The lectures will be given in the new seat of Mitteleuropa Foundation,
    starting September 10, at 9 a.m.
    ==Attendance to the school will be limited to about 30 participants.
    ==Applications should arrive by July 31th. Notification of acceptance and
    detailed program will be provided in due course.
    ==A hotel list will be sent upon notification of acceptance.
    ==A small number of boursaries are available to qualified students to meet
    the costs of participation.

    People wishing to participate should send an e-mail message to Liliana
    Albertazzi (liliana.albertazzi@soc.unitn.it).

    Roberto Poli
    Department of Sociology and Social Research
    University of Trento

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