[UAI] ANN: Computists' AI Newsletters Available Free

From: Kenneth I. Laws (laws@computists.com)
Date: Mon Jan 22 2001 - 08:28:28 PST

  • Next message: Riccardo Bellazzi: "[UAI] IDAMAP 2001 Call for papers"

           [Please circulate this if it is of interest.]

    The Computists' Weekly email newsletter for AI researchers
    is beginning its final half year of service, after a decade
    of reporting news, grant opportunities, and AI-related jobs.

    (I'm moving on to other activities. Anyone want to volunteer
    as the next editor/entrepreneur? It's a great opportunity.)

    You can sign up for *free* delivery of the remaining newsletters
    and auxiliary digests, in a stream known as CI-Freebies. Just
    visit <http://www.egroups.com/group/CI-Freebies> to register.

    If you want to check this out first, browse our archives
    at <http://www.computists.com>, the Computists International
    website. In particular, you might enjoy the IEEE IS AIBriefs
    news items archived at <http://www.computists.com/aibriefs>.

    Our CI-Freebies service consists of five AI-related news digests.
    The Computists' Weekly (CW) is emailed on Tuesdays, with one week
    off each month. Research and applied job listings, research
    software announcements and AI literature announcements are sent
    later in the week.

    These are the same newsletters that our paying members get,
    delayed by 2-3 weeks (and with a few quotations replaced).
    Such a deal (!) -- but only through this coming July.

    Give it a try. No conference announcements, no obligation,
    no cost, and you can unsubscribe at any time. The address
    again is <http://www.egroups.com/group/CI-Freebies>.

    -- Dr. Kenneth I. Laws
    Computists International
    4064 Sutherland Drive
    Palo Alto, CA 94303
    (Former NSF Program Director
    for Robotics and Machine Intelligence)

         [This messages is believed to be addressed to AI-related
         announcement groups. If an address is inappropriate,
         please contact me at <laws@computists.com>. News items
         for the newsletters can be sent to <editor@computists.com>.]

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Mon Jan 22 2001 - 08:36:40 PST