[UAI] From HUGIN or DSC format to BIF format

From: Francisco J. Diez (fjdiez@dia.uned.es)
Date: Mon Feb 12 2001 - 14:35:24 PST

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    Dear Colleagues,

    We are interested in converting a Bayesian network from HUGIN or DSC
    format into Fabio Cozman's BIF (non-XML) format --see
    "http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/labs/compbio/Repository/#Network formats" for
    a description of them. Does anybody knows a demo or free-software tool
    for the automatic conversion?

    By the way, is it still possible to find a description of the (non-XML)
    DSC format that Microsoft proposed as a standard?

    Thanks a lot,
      Javier Díez

    F. J. Diez Phone: +34-91-3987161
    Dpto. Inteligencia Artificial Fax: +34-91-3986697
    UNED. Senda del Rey, 9 E-mail: fjdiez@dia.uned.es
    28040 Madrid. Spain WWW: http://www.ia.uned.es/~fjdiez

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