[UAI] CFP: NEW-New Economic Windows

From: New Economic Windows (new-conference@unisa.it)
Date: Wed Feb 14 2001 - 15:24:01 PST

  • Next message: GECCO-2001: "[UAI] Call for Late-Breaking Papers, GECCO-2001"

    We have the pleasure to inform You about the Conference N.E.W.

    Please, if You like, disseminate this information and C.F.P.

    Title of Conference:
    N.E.W - New Economic Windows: New Paradigms for the New Millennium
    An "Economics and Complexity" event.
    Conference classification(s) according to the Journal of Economic=20
    Literature: A, B, D, E, G, H
    URL for further information
    Deadline for paper submissions
    Submission of draft papers: March 30, 2001
    Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 1, 2001
    Submission of camera-ready manuscripts: June 15, 2001
    Caserta - Opifici Reali di San Leucio -
    Salerno - Universit=E0 di Salerno
    Begin of conference
    13 September 2001
    End of conference
    15 September 2001
    Personal information of General Co-ordinator
    Prof. Massimo Salzano
    e-mail salzano@unisa.it

    Sorry about multiple sending

    Massimo Salzano
    General Co-ordinator High Scientific Level
    New Economic Windows: New Paradigms for the New Millennium
    Universit=E0 di Salerno - Dip. Scienze Economiche
    Scienza delle Finanze
    G.E.: Economics & Complexity -ISSN: 1398-1706
    an Interdisciplinary Journal on Public, Financial,
    Globalisation and Social Economics

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