[UAI] Call for Late-Breaking Papers, GECCO-2001

From: GECCO-2001 (gecco-2001@egr.msu.edu)
Date: Wed Feb 14 2001 - 15:22:34 PST

  • Next message: Frank Wittig: "[UAI] CfP: Machine Learning for User Modeling at the UM-2001"

    ***** ****** First Call for Late-Breaking Papers for ****** *****
                              Genetic and Evolutionary
                               Computation Conference


                       July 7 - 11 (Saturday - Wednesday), 2001

                         The Holiday Inn Golden Gateway Hotel

                            San Francisco, California, USA

    *** DEADLINE for Submission (in camera-ready form): Monday, May 28, 2001***

       ***NOTE: Some WORKSHOPS may still be accepting papers -- check the
           workshops web page at www.isgec.org/GECCO-2001 for details.

    Papers describing late-breaking developments in the field of genetic and
    evolutionary computation are being solicited for inclusion in a special
    paper-bound book to be distributed to all attendees of the Genetic and
    Evolutionary Computation 2001 Conference (GECCO-2001) to be held on
    July 7 - 11 (Saturday - Wednesday), 2001 at the Holiday Inn Golden
    Gateway, San Francisco, California, USA. This special book is distinct from
    the conference proceedings.

    The purpose of late-breaking papers is to provide conference attendees with
    information about research that was initiated, enhanced, improved, or
    completed after the original paper submission deadline in January, 2001.

    We have had an outstanding increase in regular paper submissions in 2001, so
    the conference schedule will be tight, but we currently plan that late-breaking
    papers will be presented in special sessions held during GECCO-2001, as
    they were in 2000, so long as space and time permit (otherwise, poster
    presentation will be required). The decision about mode of presentation will
    be announced prior to the May 28 deadline.

    Note that all papers accepted for publication in the Late Breaking Papers
    book must actually be presented at GECCO-2001. At least one author of each
    Late Breaking Paper must register for GECCO-2001, or the paper will not
    appear in the Late Breaking Papers volume. The preferred procedure is for
    one or more authors to register before submitting the Late Breaking Peper, or
    to submit their registration form and payment together with the Late Breaking
    Paper. If acceptance of the Late Breaking Paper is required before the author
    may register, then the author will be notified of acceptance or rejection by
    June 1 (within 3 days of the final submission date, May 28), and will have one
    week (until June 8) to have AAAI receive the registration form and payment,
    or the paper will not appear in the special volume. The conference registration
    form and information will be available at the GECCO-2001 website beginning in
    March, 2001 (www.isgec.org/GECCO-2001).

    Late-breaking papers will be briefly examined for relevance and minimum
    standards of acceptability, but will not be peer reviewed in detail. Authors
    will individually retain copyright (and all other rights) to their late-
    breaking papers and should feel free to submit them (either before or after
    the above deadline) for publication by other conferences or journals.

    Late-breaking papers must be submitted in camera-ready form in accordance
    with the camera-ready GECCO-2001 format specifications that can be found
    here. Late-breaking papers may not be more than EIGHT (8) pages in
    length. Please send TWO camera-ready copies (printed with very high
    quality by laser printer) and the SIGNED "permission to publish" form
    (below) to:

    GECCO-2001 Late-Breaking Papers
    American Association for Artificial Intelligence
    445 Burgess Drive
    Menlo Park, CA 94025.USA
    PHONE: 415-328-3123
    E-MAIL: gecco@aaai.org

    No FAX or E-mail submissions can be accepted.

    For Late-Breaking Papers at the GECCO-2001 Conference

    Title of Paper: ____________________________

    Author(s): _______________________________

    The undersigned (hereinafter the "Author"), desiring that the paper identified
    above (hereinafter the "Paper") appear in a publication entitled
    "Late-Breaking Papers at the 2001 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
    Conference" to be edited by Erik D. Goodman, hereby grants non-exclusive
    permission to the International Society for Genetic and Evolutionary
    Computation, Inc., an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, to prepare and
    print the Paper for distribution at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
    Conference 2001 and sale throughout the world, in this publication.

    The Author retains copyright, right to transfer the copyright to other parties
    in the future, right to use any and all portions of the Paper in future
    publications by the Author, all proprietary rights (patent rights, etc.), and
    all other rights.

    The Author warrants that he/she is the author and/or proprietor of the Paper;
    that he/she has full power to make this agreement; that the Paper does not
    infringe upon any copyright, trademark, or patent; and that he/she has not
    granted or assigned any rights on the Paper to any person or entity that would
    interfere with this grant of permission.

    Authorized Signature: _____________________

    Printed Name of Signer: ___________________

    Date: _______________

    Address: _______________________________

    E-mail address: ________________________

    *** Conference Registration forms and payment for the presenter: ***
    1) Accompany this submission___________(yes/no)
    2) Have already been done via web___________(date), fax ___________(date) or
       email ____________(date)
    3) Will be received by AAAI on or before June 8, 2001, so long as email
       notice of acceptance of this Late-Breaking Paper is received by
       June 1, 2001 ____________(yes/no).

    Signature: _______________________________________(if faxed or mailed)

    Questions: administrative/formatting: gecco@aaai.org
                other: Erik Goodman, General Chair, goodman@egr.msu.edu

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Wed Feb 14 2001 - 15:26:57 PST