[UAI] Special Session on: Innovative Methods for Software Engineering and Development of Web-based Applications

From: CIMCA (cimca@ise.canberra.edu.au)
Date: Wed Mar 21 2001 - 14:37:27 PST

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                              CALL FOR PAPERS

          Special Session on: Innovative Methods for Software Engineering and
                         Development of Web-based Applications
             International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies
                        and Internet Commerce - IAWTIC'2001
                                       9-11 July 2001
                                      Las Vegas, USA

                                  In Conjunction with
               International Conference on Computational Intelligence for
                               Control and Automation - CIMCA'2001

    The puropse of the special session is brings together researchers
    and practitioners of web-based applications to share ideas on the
    foundations, techniques, tools, and applications of
    innovative methods for software engineering and development of web-based

    Contributions describing basic research, novel applications,
    and experience relevant to innovative methods for software engineering and
    development of web-based
    applications are encouraged to submit their papers to this special session.

    Topics of this session include but are not limited to:

    Innovative techniques for web-base:
          Software specification
          Software eequirements
          Software design and synthesis
          Computer-supported cooperative work
          Human computer interaction
          Software maintenance and reuse
          Software testing
          Software verification and validation
          Process and workflow management

    New Tools and applications for software engineering of web-based
        Tutoring tools
        Collaborative tools
        Case tools
        Computer based training tools
        Tools for management of semantic of Web-based systems
        Tools for visual interfaces.

    16 April 2001 Deadline for submission of draft papers
    10 May 2001 Notification of acceptance
    28 May 2001 Deadline for camera-ready copies of accepted papers
    9-11 July 2001 Conference sessions

    Papers will be selected based on their originality, significance, correctness,
    and clarity of presentation. Extended abstract (4 pages) should be submitted
    to the following e-mail address: cimca@ise.canberra.edu.au

    The proceedings including all accepted papers will be published
    by as edited books by international publishers in USA.
    Authors of accepted papers from this session are encourage to
    re-submit a more comprehensive version of their paper for
    consideration for a special issue of Software Engineering & Intelligent Agent

    Further Information
    For further information either contact cimca@ise.canberra.edu.au or
    see the conference homepage at:

    International Liaison:

    Canada and USA Liaison:
    J. D. Pinter, Dalhousie University,

    West Asia and Australia Liaison:
    R. Jentzsch, University of Canberra, Australia

    Europe Liaison :
    Z. Pahlavani, AVIP, Austria

    Local Arrangements and
    Public Relation:
    S. Jones, ComPro, USA
    P. Kazumi, VL-Pro, The Netherlands

    P. Kazumi, VL-Pro, The Netherlands
    S. Jones, ComPro, USA
    J. Richards, C-Tech, Germany

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Wed Mar 21 2001 - 14:41:59 PST