Re: [UAI] BN Software API that create join tree

From: Kevin Murphy (
Date: Thu Apr 05 2001 - 10:40:25 PDT

  • Next message: Fabio Gagliardi Cozman: "Re: [UAI] A general-purpose algorithm for belief networks?"

    My Bayes Net Toolbox gives you access to all its internal data
    structures, including join trees, so you can look at the clique sizes
    etc. The graph theory routines are completely separate from the rest of
    the toolbox: they just take as input an adjacency matrix, which can be
    loaded in from a file.



    P.S. I have recently added MCMC structure learning to BNT (currently
    restricted to fully observed, discrete, static networks), which several
    people had requested (I forget exactly who...).

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