Re: [UAI] A general-purpose algorithm for belief networks?

From: Fabio Gagliardi Cozman (
Date: Thu Apr 05 2001 - 10:41:33 PDT

  • Next message: Finn Verner Jensen: "(no subject)"

    Dear UAIers,

            I must thank Russell Almond for adding to my list of
            references; I also must note that the SPI algorithm
            by Li and D'Ambrosio offered an early insight into
            the use of serial elimination (this is referenced in
            the paper I mentioned, together with Shenoy and Shafer's

    Z. Li and B. D'Ambrosio, Efficient inference in Bayes networks
    as a combinatorial optimization problem, Int. J. of Approximate
    Reasoning, 11, 1994.

            In SPI, like in standard variable elimination, the focus
            is on inference for a single query. In fact, variable
            elimination can be faster for single queries than
            the junction tree approach. And Russell is correct that
            doing elimination is equivalent to building a triangulated
            graph (it is a result in graph theory that an elimination
            ordering produces a triangulated graph; I think this is
            used in Jensen's 1996 book).
            Coupled with the possibility of doing a second pass and
            so getting all marginal probabilities, variable elimination
            becomes a quite powerful scheme.



    On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Fabio Gagliardi Cozman wrote:
    > But it is actually possible to derive a more
    > general form of variable elimination, in which a second pass
    > generates *all* marginal probabilities. The complexity is
    > similar to usual junction tree algorithms, and the result
    > is essentially the same. The bonus is that operations are much
    > easier to understand, without any mention to triangulation
    > and other graph-theoretic techniques. The result is similar
    > to a tree propagation algorithm, but in a tree of clusters.
    > The more general variable elimination is presented at
    > Fabio G. Cozman, Generalizing Variable Elimination in
    > Bayesian Networks, Workshop on Probabilistic Reasoning in
    > Artificial Intelligence, pp. 27-32, Atibaia, Brazil, 2000.
    > (get this paper from
    > This general variable elimination scheme is implemented
    > in the JavaBayes system (a system for manipulation of
    > Bayesian networks available at
    > Because JavaBayes is distributed under the GNU license,
    > the source code is available and you can read the
    > implementation of the general variable elimination
    > scheme.

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